(1) A person may apply to CASA, in writing, for the issue of an ASAO certificate to the person.
(2) However, a body corporate may make an application only if it is incorporated in Australia.
(3) An application for an ASAO certificate must include the following:
(a) the applicant's name and contact details;
(b) any operating or business name of the organisation (the applicant's organisation ) established, or proposed to be established, by the applicant to perform the aviation administration functions covered by the application on behalf of the ASAO, including its ABN (if any);
(c) the principal physical address at which the person proposed to be appointed as the accountable manager of the applicant's organisation will perform their duties and responsibilities;
(d) if the applicant is a corporation--the name of each of the officers of the corporation, its ACN and the address of its registered office;
(e) details of the aviation administration functions covered by the application, including:
(i) the kinds of aircraft (if any) that the applicant proposes to administer; and
(ii) the activities that the applicant proposes to administer; and
(iii) any ASAO enforcement powers that the ASAO proposes to exercise;
(f) a written undertaking from the person proposed to be appointed as the accountable manager of the applicant's organisation that, if CASA issues the certificate, the applicant and the applicant's organisation will:
(i) be capable of operating in accordance with the applicant's exposition and the civil aviation legislation; and
(ii) operate in accordance with the applicant's exposition and the civil aviation legislation.
(4) The application must be:
(a) accompanied by a copy of the applicant's proposed exposition; and
(b) signed by the person proposed to be appointed as the accountable manager of the applicant's organisation.