When this regulation applies
(1) This regulation applies if:
(a) before the main commencement time, CASA had issued a determination (the old determination ):
(i) under paragraph 178(6)(b) of the old CAR in relation to an instrument approach procedure; or
(ii) under paragraph 178(6)(c) of the old CAR in relation to an instrument departure procedure; and
(b) the old determination is an eligible instrument; and
(c) the old determination is in force immediately before the main commencement time.
Note: For the definition of eligible instrument , see 202.405A.
Determination continues to have effect
(2) The old determination continues to have effect, after the main commencement time, as if the determination were an instrument (the new instrument ):
(a) if subparagraph (1)(a)(i) applies--issued under regulation 201.025 for the purposes of subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition of authorised instrument approach procedure in Part 1 of the Dictionary; or
(b) if subparagraph (1)(a)(ii) applies--issued under regulation 201.025 for the purposes of subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition of authorised instrument departure procedure in Part 1 of the Dictionary.
(3) The new instrument ceases to be in force at the earlier of the following:
(a) the day (if any) specified in the old determination as the day on which the old determination ceases to be in force;
(b) the second anniversary of the day the old determination was issued that occurs after the main commencement time.