(1) An approved design organisation commits an offence if:
(a) an employee or subcontractor of the organisation carries out a design activity on behalf of the organisation; and
(b) the organisation did not, before the employee or subcontractor began carrying out the design activity, make available to the employee or subcontractor the parts of:
(i) the organisation's exposition; and
(ii) the organisation's design assurance system manual;
that relate to the carrying out of the design activity by the employee or subcontractor on behalf of the organisation.
(2) An approved design organisation commits an offence if:
(a) an employee or subcontractor of the organisation carries out a design activity on behalf of the organisation; and
(b) after the employee or subcontractor begins carrying out the design activity, the organisation updates, or makes a change to, a part of its exposition or design assurance system manual that relates to the carrying out of the design activity by the employee or subcontractor on behalf of the organisation; and
(c) the organisation does not, before the completion of the design activity, make the changed or updated part available to the employee or subcontractor.
(3) An offence against this regulation is an offence of strict liability.
Subpart 21.K -- Approval of materials, parts, processes and appliances