An applicant is entitled to an export certificate of airworthiness authorising the export of an aircraft to 2 or more foreign countries if:
(a) the applicant gives CASA a statement to the effect that the aircraft is to be flown to each of these countries for the purpose of sale; and
(b) a standard certificate of airworthiness or a special certificate of airworthiness is in force for the aircraft; and
(c) the aircraft is inspected by CASA before leaving Australian territory and is found to comply with all the applicable requirements; and
(d) a list of the foreign countries in which it is intended to conduct sales demonstrations, together with the expected dates and duration of such demonstration, is included in the application under regulation 21.327; and
(e) for each country listed, the applicant:
(i) has met that country's special requirements, except those requiring documents, information, and materials to be furnished; and
(ii) has the documents, information, and materials necessary to meet the special requirements of that country; and
(f) all other requirements for the issue of an export certificate of airworthiness for a Class I product are met.
Source FARs section 21.33 modified.
Subpart 21.M -- Designs of modifications of, and repairs to, aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers and appliances