(1) The registered operator of an aeroplane that has 10 or more passenger seats and to which this Subpart applies commits an offence if:
(a) the registered operator:
(i) operates the aeroplane; or
(ii) permits a person to operate the aeroplane; and
(b) a requirement in this regulation is not met while the aeroplane is operating.
(2) Each compartment for cargo, baggage or both ( goods ) in the aeroplane must:
(a) display a placard showing the maximum load for which the compartment has been designed; and
(b) have a means to prevent goods creating a hazard by shifting, or by damaging the aeroplane; and
(c) have a means to restrain goods to protect the aeroplane's occupants from injury in the event of the aeroplane being subjected to a forward inertial load of up to 9 g when the compartment is carrying the maximum weight of goods.
(3) If goods are in the passenger compartment of the aeroplane, the compartment must have a means to prevent the passengers being injured by the goods during the emergency landing conditions mentioned in the aeroplane's type certification basis.
Source FARs Part 135 Appendix A modified.
(4) An offence against subregulation (1) is an offence of strict liability.