(1) The registered operator of a helicopter to which this Subpart applies commits an offence if:
(a) the registered operator:
(i) operates the helicopter; or
(ii) permits a person to operate the helicopter; and
(b) a requirement in this regulation is not met while the helicopter is operating.
(2) Each emergency exit must be marked so that its location can be seen from a distance equal to the width of the cabin.
(3) There must be a sign on or near each exit that:
(a) shows the location of the exit handle; and
(b) gives the operating instructions for the handle; and
(c) can be read by a person attempting to open the exit.
(4) The light for each emergency exit sign must:
(a) operate independently of the helicopter's main lighting system; and
(b) be able to be switched on manually; and
(c) remain illuminated when the helicopter makes an emergency landing, regardless of whether the light switches on automatically or must be switched on manually.
(5) The outside of the fuselage must be marked to show:
(a) each emergency exit; and
(b) if an exit can be opened from outside--the means by which it can be opened.
(6) An offence against subregulation (1) is an offence of strict liability.
Table of contents
Subpart 91.A--Preliminary
91.005 Application of Part 91--Australian aircraft in Australian territory
91.010 Application of Part 91--Australian aircraft in foreign countries
91.015 Application of Part 91--Australian aircraft over the high seas
91.020 Application of Part 91--foreign registered aircraft
91.025 Application of Part 91--foreign state aircraft
91.030 Application of Part 91--aircraft to which Part 101, 103 or 131 applies
91.035 Application of Part 91--certain provisions of this Part do not apply if provisions of Part 105, 121, 133, 135 or 138 apply
91.040 Issue of Manual of Standards for Part 91
91.045 Approvals by CASA for Part 91
91.050 Approvals by authorised persons for Subpart 91.T
Subpart 91.C--General
Division 91.C.1--General flight limitations
91.055 Aircraft not to be operated in manner that creates a hazard
91.060 Unauthorised travel or placing of cargo on aircraft
91.085 NVIS flights
91.090 All flights--airspeed limits
Division 91.C.2--Operational documents
91.095 Compliance with flight manual etc.
Division 91.C.3--Flight related documents
91.100 Electronic documents
91.105 Carriage of documents
91.110 Carriage of documents for certain flights
91.115 Carriage of documents--flights that begin or end outside Australian territory
91.120 Journey logs--flights that begin or end outside Australian territory
Division 91.C.4--Reporting and recording defects and incidents etc.
Division 91.C.5--Search and rescue services and emergency and survival equipment
Division 91.C.6--Miscellaneous requirements for aircraft
91.140 Operating an Australian aircraft outside Australia
91.145 Requirements to be met before Australian aircraft may fly
91.150 Operating aircraft with inoperative equipment--placarding
91.155 Manipulating flight controls
Division 91.C.7--Firearms on aircraft
91.160 Possessing firearm on aircraft
91.165 Discharging firearm on aircraft
Division 91.C.8--Portable electronic devices
91.170 Operation of portable electronic devices
91.175 Operation of portable electronic devices by crew members
Division 91.C.9--Special flight operations
91.180 Air displays in Australian territory
91.185 Conducting aerobatic manoeuvres
91.190 Dropping things from aircraft
91.195 Picking up or setting down people or things during flight
91.200 Persons not to be carried in certain parts of aircraft
91.205 Flying in formation
91.210 Towing of things by aircraft
Subpart 91.D--Operational procedures
Division 91.D.1--Operational control
91.215 Authority and responsibilities of pilot in command
91.220 Actions and directions by operator or pilot in command
91.225 Crew members--power of arrest
Division 91.D.2--Flight preparation
91.230 Flight preparation (weather assessments) requirements
91.235 Flight preparation (alternate aerodromes) requirements
Division 91.D.3--Flight notifications and pre - flight checks
91.240 Flight notifications
91.245 Matters to be checked before take - off
Division 91.D.4--Flight rules
Subdivision 91.D.4.1--General
91.255 Air traffic services--prescribed requirements
91.257 Air traffic control clearances and instructions
91.260 Unauthorised entry into prohibited or restricted areas
91.263 Air defence identification zone flights
91.265 Minimum height rules--populous areas and public gatherings
91.267 Minimum height rules--other areas
91.270 Aircraft to be flown under VFR or IFR
Subdivision 91.D.4.2--Visual flight rules
91.273 VFR flights
91.275 Specified VFR cruising levels
91.277 Minimum heights--VFR flights at night
91.280 VFR flights--compliance with VMC criteria
91.283 VFR flights--aircraft not to exceed certain speeds
91.285 VFR flights--flights in class A airspace
Subdivision 91.D.4.3--Instrument flight rules
91.287 IFR flights
91.290 Specified IFR cruising levels
91.295 IFR flights at non - specified cruising levels--notifying Air Traffic Services
91.300 IFR flights at non - specified cruising levels--avoiding collisions with aircraft conducting VFR flights
91.305 Minimum heights--IFR flights
91.307 IFR take - off and landing minima
91.310 Approach ban for IFR flights
91.315 Taking off and landing in low visibility
91.320 Specified aircraft performance categories
Subdivision 91.D.4.4--Avoiding collisions in the air
91.325 Basic rule
91.330 Right of way rules
91.335 Additional right of way rules
91.340 Right of way rules for take - off and landing
Subdivision 91.D.4.5--Avoiding collisions on water
91.345 Compliance with International Regulations
91.350 Giving way to vessels
91.355 Giving way on water
Subdivision 91.D.4.6--Avoiding collisions at or in the vicinity of aerodromes
91.360 Meaning of in the vicinity of a non - controlled aerodrome
91.365 Taxiing or towing on movement area of aerodrome
91.370 Take - off or landing at non - controlled aerodrome--all aircraft
91.375 Operating on manoeuvring area, or in the vicinity, of non - controlled aerodrome--general requirements
91.380 Operating on manoeuvring area, or in the vicinity, of non - controlled aerodrome--landing and taking off into the wind
91.385 Operating on manoeuvring area, or in the vicinity, of non - controlled aerodrome--requirements that apply after joining the circuit pattern
91.390 Operating on manoeuvring area, or in the vicinity, of non - controlled aerodrome--requirements related to maintaining the same track after take - off
91.395 Straight - in approaches at non - controlled aerodromes
91.400 Communicating at certified, registered, military or designated non - controlled aerodromes
91.405 Aircraft in aerodrome traffic at controlled aerodromes
Division 91.D.5--Taking off, landing and ground operations
91.410 Use of aerodromes
91.420 Parked aircraft not to create hazard
91.425 Safety when aeroplane operating on ground
91.430 Safety when rotorcraft operating on ground
Division 91.D.6--Fuel requirements
91.455 Fuel requirements
91.460 Oil requirements
91.465 Contaminated, degraded or inappropriate fuels
91.470 Fire hazards
91.475 Fuelling aircraft--fire fighting equipment
91.480 Fuelling aircraft--electrical bonding
91.485 Equipment or electronic devices operating near aircraft
91.490 Fuelling turbine - engine aircraft--low - risk electronic devices
91.495 Only turbine - engine aircraft to be hot fuelled
91.500 Hot fuelling aircraft--general
91.505 Hot fuelling aircraft--procedures etc.
91.510 Fuelling aircraft--persons on aircraft, boarding or disembarking
91.515 Fuelling aircraft if fuel vapour detected
Division 91.D.7--Safety of persons on aircraft and cargo requirements
91.520 Crew members to be fit for duty
91.525 Offensive or disorderly behaviour on aircraft
91.530 When smoking not permitted
91.535 Crew safety during turbulence
91.540 Means of passenger communication
91.545 Seating for persons on aircraft
91.550 Seating for flight crew members
91.555 Seating for crew members other than flight crew members
91.560 Restraint of infants and children
91.565 Passengers--safety briefings and instructions
91.570 Passengers--safety directions by pilot in command
91.575 Passengers--compliance with safety directions
91.580 Passengers--compliance with safety instructions by cabin crew
91.585 Restraint and stowage of cargo
91.590 Restraint and stowage of carry - on baggage
91.595 Restraint and stowage of certain aircraft equipment
91.600 Carriage of cargo--general
91.605 Carriage of cargo--cargo compartments
91.610 Carriage of cargo--unoccupied seats
91.615 Carriage of cargo--loading instructions
91.620 Carriage of animals
Division 91.D.8--Instruments, indicators, equipment and systems
91.625 Use of radio--qualifications
91.630 Use of radio--broadcasts and reports
91.635 Communication monitoring in controlled airspaces
91.640 Use of radio outside controlled airspaces--listening watch of radio transmissions
91.645 Availability of instructions for flight data and combination recorders
91.650 Flight recorders--preserving recordings of immediately reportable matters
91.655 RVSM airspace
91.660 Performance - based navigation
Division 91.D.9--Miscellaneous
Division 91.D.10--Signals, emergencies and hazards
91.670 Standard visual signals
91.675 Pilot in command to report hazards to air navigation
91.680 Pilot in command to report emergencies
91.685 Multi - engine aircraft--pilot in command to land at nearest suitable aerodrome if emergency occurs
91.690 Pilot in command to report contraventions relating to emergencies
91.695 Interception of aircraft
91.700 Aviation distress signals
91.705 Flight in icing conditions--adherence of frost, ice or snow
91.710 Flight in icing conditions--requirements for flight
Division 91.D.11--Causing or simulating failures etc.
Subdivision 91.D.11.1--Causing or simulating instrument failure etc.
91.715 Causing or simulating failure of flight instruments
91.720 Simulating IMC flying
91.725 Training flight limitations etc.
Subdivision 91.D.11.2--Causing or simulating engine failure etc. for aeroplanes
91.730 Aeroplane flights in IMC or at night--engine not to be shut down
91.735 Single - engine aeroplane--VFR flights by day--engine not to be shut down
91.740 Single - engine aeroplane--simulating engine failure in IMC or at night
91.745 Multi - engine aeroplane--simulating engine failure--general
91.750 Multi - engine aeroplane--simulating engine failures in IMC or at night
Subdivision 91.D.11.3--Causing or simulating engine failure etc. for rotorcraft
91.755 Single - engine rotorcraft -- engine not to be shut down
91.760 Single - engine rotorcraft -- engine failure not to be simulated and autorotation of main rotor system not to be initiated in IMC
91.765 Single - engine rotorcraft -- simulating engine failure or initiating autorotation of main rotor system at night
91.770 Multi - engine rotorcraft--engine not to be shut down at certain altitudes in IMC or at night
91.775 Multi - engine rotorcraft--simulating engine failure in IMC or at night
Division 91.D.12--Psychoactive substances
91.780 Passengers--alcohol
91.785 Crew--provision of alcohol
91.790 Prohibiting person affected by psychoactive substances from boarding
Subpart 91.F--Performance
91.795 Take - off performance
91.800 Landing performance
Subpart 91.J--Weight and balance
91.805 Loading of aircraft
Subpart 91.K--Equipment
91.810 Requirements relating to equipment
Subpart 91.P--Cabin crew
91.820 Cabin crew--when required
91.825 Cabin crew--number
91.830 Cabin crew--knowledge of emergency and safety equipment and procedures
Subpart 91.T--Operations under certain special certificates of airworthiness and special flight permits
Division 91.T.1--Preliminary
91.835 Aircraft with more than one certificate of airworthiness--application of Subpart 91.T
Division 91.T.2--Restricted category aircraft--operating requirements
91.840 Restricted category aircraft--general operating requirements
91.845 Restricted category aircraft--kinds of operations permitted
Division 91.T.3--Provisionally certificated aircraft--operating requirements
91.850 Provisionally certificated aircraft--operating requirements
91.855 Provisionally certificated aircraft--kinds of operations permitted
91.860 Provisionally certificated aircraft--operation for type certification or supplemental type certification
91.865 Provisionally certificated aircraft--requirements for the carriage of people
91.870 Provisionally certificated aircraft--additional requirements for operators
Division 91.T.4--Experimental aircraft--operating requirements
91.875 Experimental aircraft--operating requirements
91.880 Experimental aircraft--kinds of operations permitted
91.885 Experimental aircraft--maximum number of persons to be carried
Division 91.T.5--Primary category aircraft and intermediate category aircraft--operating requirements
91.890 Primary category aircraft and intermediate category aircraft--operating requirements
Division 91.T.6--Light sport aircraft--operating requirements
91.895 Light sport aircraft--operators
91.900 Light sport aircraft--pilots
Division 91.T.7--Special flight permits--operating requirements
91.905 Flights under special flight permits
Division 91.T.8--Miscellaneous
91.910 Application of Division 91.T.8
91.915 Aircraft with special certificates of airworthiness--maintenance release etc.
91.920 Aircraft with special certificates of airworthiness--flight tests to be conducted in certain areas
Subpart 91.Y--Minimum equipment lists
Division 91.Y.1--Preliminary
91.925 Definitions
91.930 Requirements for minimum equipment lists
Division 91.Y.2--Approval of minimum equipment lists
91.935 Approval of minimum equipment lists
Division 91.Y.3--Variations of minimum equipment lists
91.940 Approval of variations
Division 91.Y.4--Extensions of rectification intervals
91.945 Approval of extensions of rectification intervals
91.950 Effect of approval
91.955 CASA to be notified of extensions approved by a continuing airworthiness management organisation
Division 91.Y.5--Other
91.960 Operation of aircraft with multiple inoperative items not permitted in certain circumstances
Subpart 91.Z--Foreign aircraft
91.965 Foreign registered aircraft--Chicago Convention
91.970 Foreign registered aircraft--special flight authorisations
91.975 Foreign state aircraft--approval to fly in Australian territory
91.980 Foreign registered aircraft--major defect--CASA direction
91.985 Foreign registered aircraft--CASA to notify Contracting State of direction
91.990 Foreign registered aircraft--CASA may revoke direction
91.995 Foreign registered aircraft--when direction or revocation takes effect