For the purposes of subsections 105A.19(1) and (3) of the Code, the following persons are prescribed:
(a) an AFP employee (within the meaning of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 );
(b) a member of the police force or police service of a State or Territory;
(c) an officer or employee of a State or Territory, or of an authority of a State or Territory, whose duties relate to corrective services (including prison medical, psychological and psychiatric services), justice or parole;
(d) a person who provides services for, or on behalf of:
(i) a State or Territory; or
(ii) an authority of a State or Territory;
in relation to corrective services (including prison medical, psychological and psychiatric services), justice or parole;
(da) a person who provides services for, or on behalf of, the Commonwealth in relation to a person (the service recipient ) if:
(i) a post - sentence order or an interim post - sentence order is in force in relation to the service recipient; or
(ii) the AFP Minister has made, or is considering making, an application for a post - sentence order or an interim post - sentence order in relation to the service recipient;
(e) the Director of Public Prosecutions or a person performing a similar function under a law of a State or Territory;
(f) a member of the staff of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (within the meaning of the Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1983 ) or of a similar body established under a law of a State or Territory;
(g) the Director - General of Security, a Deputy Director - General of Security, an ASIO employee (within the meaning of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 ) or an ASIO affiliate (within the meaning of that Act);
(h) an APS employee of a Department administered by the Minister administering:
(i) the Migration Act 1958 ; or
(ii) the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 ; or
(iii) the Australian Passports Act 2005 ;
(i) a person:
(i) who is an authorised officer (within the meaning of Division 9A of Part IB of the Crimes Act 1914 ); or
(ii) who, under a delegation from such an authorised officer, exercises powers or performs functions of the authorised officer under Division 9A of Part IB of the Crimes Act 1914 ;
(j) a person who is a relevant expert and who is:
(i) appointed by the AFP Minister under section 105A.18D of the Code; or
(ii) otherwise engaged, by the AFP Minister, or a person on behalf of the AFP Minister;
to assess the risk of a terrorist offender committing a serious Part 5.3 offence (all within the meaning of Division 105A of the Code) for the purposes of that Division (whether or not an application for a post - sentence order has been made).