(1) Subregulations (2) and (3) apply to an application under section 14 of the Act for classification of a film, other than a film for public exhibition, if it is accompanied by:
(a) the priority processing fee mentioned in Division 3 of Part 3 of Schedule 1; and
(b) the applicable fee for classification of the film mentioned in Part 3 of Schedule 1.
(1A) Subregulations (2) and (3) apply to an application under section 17 of the Act for classification of a computer game if it is accompanied by:
(a) the applicable fee for classification of the computer game mentioned in Part 4 of Schedule 1; and
(b) the priority processing fee mentioned in Division 4 of Part 4 of Schedule 1.
(2) The Board must:
(a) classify, or refuse to classify, the film or computer game; or
(b) determine that the film or computer game is, or is not, an exempt film or game;
within 5 business days after receiving all the material required to enable classification (or exemption).
(3) An amount equal to the priority processing fee paid must be returned to the applicant if subregulation (2) is not complied with.
Note: Subsection 26(4) of the Act sets out when notice of a decision must be given to an applicant.