(1) The amendments of these Regulations made by the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Amendment (Firearms and Other Weapons) Regulation 2015 (the amending regulation ) apply in relation to:
(a) an application for permission for or consent to the importation of an article or goods made on or after the commencement of the amending regulation; and
(b) the importation of an article, or goods, on or after the commencement of the amending regulation, subject to subregulation (3).
(2) The amendments of these Regulations made by the amending regulation apply, on and after the commencement of the amending regulation, in relation to an application for permission for, or consent to, the importation of an article or goods that had not been finally determined immediately before that commencement, as if the application had been made on or after that commencement.
(3) However, the amendments of these Regulations made by the amending regulation do not apply in relation to the importation of an article, or goods, whether before, on or after the commencement of the amending regulation, if, immediately before that commencement, a permission or consent was in force for that importation.