(1) In this Part, a dealing constituted by:
(a) a payment to a proscribed person or entity, or a payment to a person or entity acting on behalf of, or at the direction of a proscribed person or entity; or
(b) a use or dealing with a freezable asset;
is basic expense dealing if it is necessary for basic expenses, including the following:
(c) foodstuffs;
(d) rent or mortgage;
(e) medicines or medical treatment;
(f) taxes;
(g) insurance premiums;
(h) public utility charges;
(i) reasonable professional fees;
(j) reimbursement of expenses associated with the provision of legal services;
(k) fees or service charges that are in accordance with national laws for the routine holding or maintenance of frozen assets.
(2) In this Part a dealing constituted by:
(a) a payment to a proscribed person or entity, or a payment to a person or entity acting on behalf of, or at the direction of a proscribed person or entity; or
(b) a use or dealing with a freezable asset;
is a contractual dealing if it is a payment:
(c) to apply interest or other earnings due on accounts holding freezable assets; or
(d) required under contracts, agreements or obligations made before the date on which those accounts became accounts holding freeazable assets.
Note: If the account into which the payment is paid is frozen under Part 4 of the Act, this payment will also be frozen once received.
(3) In this Part any other dealing constituted by:
(a) a payment to a proscribed person or entity, or a payment to a person or entity acting on behalf of, or at the direction of a proscribed person or entity; or
(b) a use or dealing with a freezable asset;
is an extraordinary expense dealing .