(1) The amendments made by items 7 to 68 and 70 to 86 of Schedule 1 to the Superannuation Legislation Amendment (MySuper Measures) Regulation 2013 (the amending items ) apply to:
(a) Product Disclosure Statements given:
(i) for a superannuation product--on or after 31 December 2013; or
(ii) for a managed investment product--on or after 1 July 2014; and
(b) periodic statements given under section 1017D of the Act in relation to reporting periods ending:
(i) for a superannuation product--on or after 31 December 2013; or
(ii) for a managed investment product--on or after 1 July 2014.
(2) If:
(a) a Product Disclosure Statement is given during the transition period; and
(b) were the amendments made by the amending items to apply during the transition period, the Product Disclosure Statement would comply with Schedule 10 or Schedule 10D (as the case requires);
the Product Disclosure Statement is taken to comply with Schedule 10 or Schedule 10D (as the case requires).
(3) If:
(a) a periodic statement under section 1017D of the Act is given during the transition period; and
(b) were the amendments made by the amending items to apply during the transition period, the periodic statement would comply with Schedule 10;
the periodic statement is taken to comply with the Schedule.
(4) For the purposes of this regulation, the transition period is a period:
(a) for a superannuation product--beginning on 1 July 2013 and ending on 30 December 2013; or
(b) for a managed investment product--beginning on 1 July 2013 and ending on 30 June 2014.