For paragraph 913A(a) of the Act, the following information is required as part of an application by person for an Australian financial services licence:
(a) if the person is a body corporate:
(i) the person's name (including the person's principal business name, if any); and
(ii) the name and address of each director; and
(iii) the name and address of each secretary;
(b) if the person is applying on behalf of a partnership--the partnership's name and address, and the name of each partner;
(c) if paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply--the person's name (including the person's principal business name, if any);
(d) the person's principal business address;
(e) if the person has an ABN--the ABN;
(f) a description of the financial services that the person proposes to provide;
(g) the arrangements (including a description of systems) by which the person will comply with its general obligations set out in section 912A of the Act;
(h) any other information that ASIC requires for the purpose of considering the application.