(1) An Organization inspector who has in his or her possession a sample from a facility in Australia must:
(a) allow a national inspector to take and retain:
(i) a portion of that sample; or
(ii) a duplicate sample; and
(b) if he or she analyses the sample at the facility -- allow a national inspector to be present during the analysis.
(2) An Organization inspector must allow a national inspector to inspect his or her inspection equipment on arrival in Australia.
(3) A national inspector may exclude from use or access to an inspection site inspection equipment of an Organization inspector that:
(a) does not meet the description of equipment approved for the inspection; or
(b) does not bear a document or device from the Technical Secretariat authenticating the equipment's designation and approval by the Secretariat.
(4) An Organization inspector must obey all applicable Commonwealth, State and Territory laws relating to the handling and transport of hazardous goods.