(1) For paragraph 30(2)(b) of the Act, the records to be kept by the operator of a Schedule 1 facility are records of the information mentioned in this regulation.
(2) For each Schedule 1 chemical produced, acquired, used or stored at, or transferred from, the facility in a permit year for the facility, the information is:
(a) the identity of the chemical, including its Chemical Abstracts Service registry number, if assigned, and its common or trade name (if any); and
(b) the quantities produced, acquired, used or transferred; and
(c) the purpose or purposes of the production, acquisition or use.
(3) For each Schedule 1 chemical produced at the facility in a permit year for the facility, the information is also the name and quantity of any precursors used that are listed in Schedule 1, 2 or 3 to the Convention.
(4) For each Schedule 1 chemical stored at the facility in a permit year for the facility, the information is also:
(a) the maximum quantity stored at any time in the year; and
(b) the quantity stored at the end of the year.
(5) For a facility at which declarable Schedule 1 activities occurred in a permit year for the facility, the information is:
(a) for each Schedule 1 chemical transferred to another facility in Australia in the year:
(i) the total quantity transferred; and
(ii) the quantity, recipient and purpose of each shipment; and
(b) technical descriptions of any changes at the facility in the year including, for a single small - scale facility, inventories of equipment and detailed diagrams of the facility; and
(c) for a single small - scale facility and a protective facility -- the production methods employed for each Schedule 1 chemical produced at the facility in the year; and
(d) for a single small - scale facility -- in relation to each Schedule 1 chemical received from another facility in Australia in the year:
(i) the total quantity received; and
(ii) the quantity, origin and purpose of each shipment.