(1) This rule applies if an application is made to the court for a parenting order by consent.
(2) The parties to the application must comply with Division 2.2.1.
(3) The parties must advise the court whether or not any allegations have been made in the proceeding of child abuse, family violence, or any risk of harm to a child in relation to whom the order is sought.
(4) Each party must also advise the court, apart from any allegation made in the proceeding:
(a) whether the party considers that the child concerned has been, or is at risk of being, subjected or exposed to abuse, neglect or family violence; and
(b) whether the party considers that the party, or another party to the proceedings, has been, or is at risk of being, subjected to family violence.
(5) If an allegation referred to in subrule (3) has been made, or a party advises the court of any concerns referred to in subrule (4), the parties must explain to the court how the proposed parenting order attempts to deal with the allegation or concern.
(6) The parties may comply with subrules (3) to (5):
(a) if a draft parenting order is lodged or is tendered to a judicial officer during a court event--by attaching to the draft parenting order the approved form for the purposes of this paragraph signed by each party or the party's legal representative; or
(b) if the application is made orally during a court event--by each party or the party's legal representative advising the court of the required matters orally; or
(c) if the application is made by an Application for Consent Orders--by each party or the party's legal representative advising the court of the required matters in the Application for Consent Orders; or
(d) if the application for the parenting order is to be considered in chambers--by each party attaching to the draft parenting order the approved form for the purposes of this paragraph signed by each party or the party's legal representative.