(1) At least 28 days before an enforcement officer sells real property under an Enforcement Warrant, the payee must:
(a) send to the payer, at the payer's last known address, and to any mortgagee or other person who has an encumbrance registered on the title to the property that has priority over the Enforcement Warrant, written notice stating:
(i) that the Warrant has been registered on the title to the property; and
(ii) that the enforcement officer intends to sell the property to satisfy the obligation if the total amount owing is not paid, or arrangements considered satisfactory to the payee have not been made by a date specified in the notice; and
(iii) the enforcement officer's name and address; and
(b) give the enforcement officer evidence of the following:
(i) proof of compliance with paragraph (a);
(ii) that the Warrant has been registered on the land titles register;
(iii) details of the real property proposed to be sold including the address and description of the land title of the property;
(iv) details of all encumbrances registered against the real property on the date of registration of the Enforcement Warrant;
(v) the costs incurred to register the Enforcement Warrant;
(vi) the current value of the real property, as stated in a real estate agent's market appraisal.
(2) The payee is liable to pay to the enforcement officer the reasonable fees and expenses of the enforcement.
(3) The costs referred to in subparagraph (1)(b)(v) and the fees and expenses referred to in subrule (2) may:
(a) be added to, and form part of, the costs of the Enforcement Warrant; and
(b) be recovered under the Warrant.