(1) A payee may apply to the court for an enforcement order appointing a sequestrator of the property of a payer by filing an Application--Enforcement, setting out the details of the property to be sequestered, and an affidavit.
(2) The affidavit must:
(a) comply with rule 11.06; and
(b) include the full name and address of the proposed sequestrator; and
(c) include details of the sequestrator's fees; and
(d) have attached to it a consent to the appointment of the sequestrator, signed by the proposed sequestrator.
(3) The court may:
(a) hear an urgent application under subrule (1) without notice; and
(b) make an order that is expressed to operate only until a date fixed by the order.
(4) The court may hear an application under this rule in chambers, in the absence of the parties, on the documents filed.
Note: For the hearing of an application in the absence of the parties, see Part 5.3.