(1) A Judicial Registrar may allow a reasonable sum for work properly performed that is not specifically provided for in Schedule 3.
(2) In considering whether to allow an amount for costs or an expense, the Judicial Registrar may consider the following:
(a) any other fees paid or payable to the lawyer and counsel for work to which a fee or allowance applies;
(b) the complexity of the proceeding;
(c) the amount or value of the property or financial resource involved;
(d) the nature and importance of the proceeding to the party concerned;
(e) the difficulty or novelty of the matters raised in the proceeding;
(f) the special skill, knowledge or responsibility required, or the demands made, of the lawyer by the proceeding;
(g) the conduct of all the parties and the time spent on the proceeding;
(h) the place where, and the circumstances in which, work or any part of it was done;
(i) the quality of work done and whether the level of expertise was appropriate to the nature of the work;
(j) the time in which the work was required to be done.