(1) Subject to subrules (2) and (3), before starting a proceeding, each prospective party to the proceeding must comply with the pre - action procedures.
Note: The pre - action procedures are set out in Schedule 1.
(2) Compliance with subrule (1) is not necessary if:
(a) the proceeding is an application for divorce only; or
(b) the proceeding is an application relating to nullity or validity of marriage only; or
(c) the proceeding is a child support application or appeal; or
(d) the proceeding involves a court's jurisdiction in bankruptcy under section 35 or 35B of the Bankruptcy Act; or
(e) the court is satisfied that, in the circumstances, it was not appropriate for a party to comply with the pre - action procedures.
(3) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(e), circumstances include the following:
(a) for a parenting proceeding--the proceeding involves allegations of child abuse or family violence, or of a risk of child abuse or family violence;
(b) for a property proceeding--the proceeding involves allegations of family violence, or of a risk of family violence;
(c) the application is urgent;
(d) the applicant would be unduly prejudiced;
(e) there has been a previous application in the same cause of action in the 12 months immediately before the start of the proceeding.
(4) A person who starts a proceeding by making an application for final orders, or a respondent to an application for final orders, must indicate in the Genuine Steps Certificate filed with the application or response either:
(a) that the person has complied with the pre - action procedures; or
(b) the factual basis on which the court should be satisfied that it was not appropriate for the person to comply with the required pre - action procedures.
(5) A person who is legally represented must comply with subrule (4) through the person's legal representative.
Note 1: The court publishes a brochure setting out the pre - action procedures for financial proceedings and parenting proceedings.
Note 2: Subsections 60I(7) to (12) of the Family Law Act provide for attendance at family dispute resolution before applying for a parenting order in relation to a child.