(1) A document may be lodged with the Court by:
(a) being presented to a Registry when the Registry is open for business; or
(b) being posted to a Registry with a written request for the action required in relation to the document; or
(c) being faxed to a Registry in accordance with rule 2.22; or
(d) being sent by electronic communication to a registry, in accordance with rule 2.23.
(2) A document in an existing proceeding that is to be lodged with the Court in accordance with paragraph (1)(b), (c) or (d) must be sent to the proper Registry.
(3) If a document in an existing proceeding is lodged with a Registry other than the proper Registry, the document must be accompanied by a letter:
(a) identifying the proper place for the proceeding; and
(b) requesting that the document be sent to the proper Registry.
(4) Subject to rules 2.22 and 2.23, a document that is required to be sealed, stamped or signed by the Court must be accompanied by the required number of copies for sealing, stamping or signing.
Note 1: Proper Registry is defined in the Dictionary.
Note 2: The Court's requirements in relation to preparing and lodging documents are set out in practice notes issued by the Chief Justice.