(1) A document which has been accepted for filing will be removed from a Court file if:
(a) the Court has ordered that the document be removed from the Court file:
(i) on its own initiative; or
(ii) on the application of a party under rule 6.01 or subrule 16.21(2); or
(b) for an affidavit--the Court has ordered that the affidavit be removed from the Court file:
(i) on its own initiative; or
(ii) on the application of a party under subrule 29.03(2); or
(c) the Court is satisfied that the document:
(i) is otherwise an abuse of process of the Court; or
(ii) should not, under rule 2.27, have been accepted for filing.
(2) A party may apply to the Court for an order under subparagraph (1)(c)(i) or (ii) that a document be removed from the Court file.
(3) A document removed from a Court file under this rule must be stored:
(a) if an order mentioned in this rule specifies a way to store the document--in the way specified in the order; or
(b) otherwise--as directed by the District Registrar.