(1) A party who is ordered to answer interrogatories must do so by filing:
(a) written answers in accordance with:
(i) Form 40; and
(ii) subrules (3) and (4); and
(b) an affidavit verifying the answers in accordance with rule 21.04.
(2) The party must serve the documents mentioned in subrule (1) on each party who has filed a notice of address for service.
(3) The answers must address each interrogatory:
(a) by directly answering the substance of the interrogatory; or
(b) by objecting to answer the interrogatory on a ground mentioned in subrule (4) and briefly stating the facts on which the objection is based.
(4) A party may object to answering an interrogatory only on one or more of the following grounds:
(a) that the interrogatory does not relate to an issue raised on the pleadings and in issue;
(b) that the interrogatory is vexatious or oppressive;
(c) privilege.
Note: The Court will, in its order, specify the time for compliance.