(1) A document is evidence of consent if it purports:
(a) to contain the written consent of a person to act:
(i) as litigation representative of a person under a legal incapacity; or
(ii) as trustee; or
(iii) as receiver; or
(iv) in any other office on appointment of the Court; and
(b) to be executed in accordance with subrule (2).
(2) A document is sufficiently executed for subrule (1):
(a) if the consenting person is not a corporation--the document is signed by the consenting person and the signature is verified by another person; or
(b) if the consenting person is a corporation--the document is executed in accordance with section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 .
Note: Litigation representative and person under a legal incapacity are defined in the Dictionary.