A notice of appeal must be filed:
(a) if the appeal is from a single Judge of the Court--in the District Registry in the State or Territory where the proceeding was last heard before the judgment was pronounced or the order was made; or
(b) if the appeal is from a judgment of a court of a State or Territory--in the District Registry in that State or Territory; or
(c) if the appeal is from a judgment of the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (Division 2)--in the District Registry in the State or Territory where the proceeding was last heard before the judgment was pronounced or the order was made; or
(d) in any other case--in the appropriate District Registry.
Note: When the notice of appeal is filed:
(a) if it is not an appeal brought under the Migration Act 1958 , Division 36.5 applies and a Registrar will fix a date and place for a callover or directions hearing and the date and place will be endorsed on the notice of appeal; or
(b) if it is an appeal brought under the Migration Act 1958 , the notice of appeal will be considered by a Registrar in Chambers and directions made.