A party's submissions must:
(a) include the title of the proceeding; and
(b) include the name of the party who filed it; and
(c) consist of consecutively numbered paragraphs; and
(d) consist of no more than 10 pages; and
(e) if a reference is made to the transcript of proceedings in the court appealed from:
(i) state the page and line number; and
(ii) attach a copy of any page of the transcript referred to; and
(f) state, briefly but specifically:
(i) if filed by the applicant--the relevant facts; and
(ii) if filed by a respondent--the facts in dispute; and
(iii) the claims to be argued by the party concerned; and
(iv) the reasons relied on for the claims.
Note: An application in this Division will be heard and determined by a single Judge unless:
(a) a Judge directs that the application be heard and determined by a Full Court; or
(b) the application is made in a proceeding that has already been assigned to a Full Court, and the Full Court considers it is appropriate for it to hear and determine the application.