(1) If a court makes a return order, the responsible Central Authority, the Article 3 applicant or a respondent to the proceeding may apply to the court, in accordance with Form 2D, for the discharge of the order.
(2) The court may make an order discharging a return order, or a part of a return order, only if it is satisfied that:
(a) all the parties consent to the return order being discharged; or
(b) since the return order was made, circumstances have arisen that make it impracticable for the order to be carried out; or
(c) exceptional circumstances exist that justify the return order being discharged; or
(d) the day on which the application for the discharge of the return order was made is more than 1 year after the return order was made or any appeal in relation to the return order was determined.
(3) In considering whether to make an order discharging a return order, the court must have regard to section 111CE of the Act if the convention country from which the child was removed is also a Convention country within the meaning of subsection 111CA(1) of the Act.