In providing family dispute resolution services under the Act, a family dispute resolution practitioner:
(a) must ensure that, as far as possible, the family dispute resolution process is suited to the needs of the parties involved (for example, by ensuring the suitability of the family dispute resolution venue, the layout of the family dispute resolution room and the times at which family dispute resolution is held); and
(b) must ensure that:
(i) family dispute resolution is provided only in accordance with this Part; and
(ii) any record of the family dispute resolution is stored securely to prevent unauthorised access to it; and
(c) must terminate the family dispute resolution:
(i) if requested to do so by a party; or
(ii) if the family dispute resolution practitioner is no longer satisfied that family dispute resolution is appropriate; and
(d) must not provide legal advice to any of the parties unless:
(i) the family dispute resolution practitioner is also a legal practitioner; or
(ii) the advice is about procedural matters; and
(e) must not use any information acquired from a family dispute resolution:
(i) for personal gain; or
(ii) to the detriment of any person.