(1) For paragraph 16(2)(c) of the Act, this regulation provides for the determination of the base rate of pay for the purposes of the National Employment Standards for a national system employee who is an award/agreement free employee and a pieceworker.
Note: The Act defines award/ agreement free employee in section 12 and pieceworker in section 21.
(2) The base rate of pay, expressed as an hourly rate of pay, is worked out using the formula:
"TA" is the total amount earned by the employee during the relevant period.
"TH" is the total hours worked by the employee during the relevant period.
"the" relevant period is:
(a) for an employee who was continuously employed by the employer for a period of 12 months or more immediately before the base rate of pay is to be worked out--the 12 months before the rate is to be worked out; or
(b) for an employee who was continuously employed by the employer for a period of less than 12 months immediately before the base rate of pay is to be worked out--that period.