(1) The Authority must not grant a permission to take leader prawn broodstock in the Habitat Protection Zone in the Mission Beach Leader Prawn Broodstock Capture Area:
(a) unless the person applying for the permission:
(i) demonstrates, or has previously demonstrated, by producing logbook records and receipts for broodstock from an aquaculture facility, that the person has taken leader prawn broodstock in the Area in at least 3 of the calendar years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002; and
(ii) holds a primary commercial fishing licence under the Queensland fisheries legislation that authorises trawling in the Mission Beach Leader Prawn Broodstock Capture Area; and
(iii) demonstrates compliance with the requirements of Queensland fisheries legislation relating to turtle excluder devices and bycatch reduction devices; and
(iv) demonstrates compliance with the requirements of Queensland fisheries legislation relating to vessel tracking equipment; and
(v) holds a purchase order for leader prawn broodstock from a licensed Australian aquaculture facility; or
(b) if doing so would result in there being more than 5 such permissions in force at any one time.
(2) The matters mentioned in subsection (1) are additional to the matters that the Authority must consider under section 103.