(1) An assessment of the relevant heritage values of the Great Barrier Reef Region is prescribed as a matter that must be contained in the Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report.
(2) The relevant heritage values of the Great Barrier Reef Region include the following values to the extent that they relate to the Region:
(a) the Commonwealth Heritage values;
(b) the Indigenous heritage values;
(c) the National Heritage values;
(d) the world heritage values;
(e) any other heritage values (within the ordinary meaning of the term) that the Authority considers relevant.
(3) An assessment of the relevant heritage values of the Great Barrier Reef Region includes the following:
(a) an assessment of the current relevant heritage values of the region;
(b) an assessment of the risks to the relevant heritage values of the region;
(c) an assessment of the current resilience of the relevant heritage values of the region;
(d) an assessment of the existing measures to protect and manage the relevant heritage values of the region;
(e) an assessment of the factors influencing the current and projected future relevant heritage values of the region;
(f) an assessment of the long - term outlook for the relevant heritage values of the region.