The holder of a chargeable permission commits an offence of strict liability if the holder does not give the Authority, in each April, July, October and January, in relation to the preceding quarter:
(a) except if paragraph (b) applies:
(i) a charge return, in a form approved by the Authority; or
(ii) a copy of the part of the logbook supplied to the holder by the Authority, or the form approved by the Authority, for the recording of the information; or
(b) for a chargeable permission for operating a land - based outfall for discharging sewage (see item 8 of the table in subsection 223(1))--a return, in a form approved by the Authority, that sets out:
(i) the total volume of sewage generated during the quarter; and
(ii) the total volume of sewage discharged at the land - based outfall during the quarter; and
(iii) the information determined by the laboratory referred to in subsection 223(3) that discloses the level of treatment the sewage has received before discharge.