(1) Part 15 applies (subject to subsection (2)) in relation to decisions made under this instrument after the commencement of this section.
(2) Despite the repeal of Part 13 of the old regulations, that Part continues to apply, after the commencement of this section, in relation to decisions made under those regulations (as that Part is continued in force under subsection 257(1) of this instrument) after that commencement.
Note: Part 13 of the old regulations also applies in relation to review of a decision made before commencement that has not been completed by commencement (see section 257).
(3) This section applies despite any other section of this instrument (except section 257).
Relationship with this Part
(4) To avoid doubt, Part 13 of the old regulations applies only to the extent required for the purposes of the reconsideration or review of a decision referred to in subsection (2).