Declaration of One Dory Detached (Buffer Zone) SMAs
(1) Each area mentioned in Part 4 (Buffer Zone) of Schedule 1 to the Zoning Plan, except for the areas described in clause 6 of Schedule 5 (No Dories Detached (Offshore Ribbon Reefs) SMAs) is designated as a One Dory Detached (Buffer Zone) SMA having as its name the name of the area followed by the words "One Dory Detached (Buffer Zone) SMA".
Special management provision
(2) No more than one dory is to be detached from its primary commercial fishing vessel in a One Dory Detached (Buffer Zone) SMA:
(a) at any time of the year (unless paragraph (b) applies); or
(b) in a Seasonal Closure (Offshore Ribbon Reefs) SMA described in clause 5 of Schedule 5--at any time during September, October, November and December in a year.