1.07.1 Unless the Registrar otherwise directs, a document to be filed in the Court must be lodged with the Court by being sent electronically using the Court's Digital Lodgment System Portal.
Note: For when a document is filed, see rule 1.10.
1.07.2 The following information must also be provided with the document using the Court's Digital Lodgment System Portal:
(a) if a solicitor prepares the document--the name, postal address, telephone number and email address of the firm, and the name of an individual in the firm who can be contacted in respect of the matter;
(b) if the party or person on whose behalf the document is to be filed is not represented by a solicitor--the name, postal address, telephone number and email address of the party or person;
(c) in any case--the capital city of the State or Territory in which the proceedings are to be, or were, commenced.
1.07.3 The person who sends the document must:
(a) keep a paper or electronic copy of the document; and
(b) if directed to do so by the Court, a Justice or the Registrar, produce a hard copy of the document.