(1) For paragraph 51AGA(1)(e) of the Act, the provision to an employee of car parking facilities for a car during a period is taken to be excluded from section 51AGA of the Act if, during the period:
(a) the employee:
(i) is entitled under the law of a State or Territory to the use of a disabled persons' car parking space; and
(ii) is the driver of, or is a passenger in, the car; and
(b) a valid disabled persons' car parking permit is displayed on the car.
(2) In this instrument:
"disabled persons' car parking permit" means a permit, label or other document:
(a) issued by the appropriate authority in a State or Territory; and
(b) authorising the parking of a car in a disabled persons' car parking space.
"disabled persons' car parking space" means a car parking space:
(a) in a public car parking area; and
(b) designated for the exclusive use of disabled persons.