(1) For subsection 43(1A) of the Act, a maritime crew visa that is in effect is permission for the holder to enter Australia on a non - military ship at a proclaimed port, other than at an excised offshore place.
(2) For subsection 43(1A) of the Act, a maritime crew visa that is in effect is permission for the holder to enter Australia if:
(a) the holder is on a non - military ship; and
(b) the ship enters Australia at an excised offshore place that is:
(i) a proclaimed port; or
(ii) a place for which permission has been given, in advance under section 58 of the Customs Act 1901 , for the ship to be brought to that place; and
(c) before the holder enters Australia, the operator of the ship has complied with the reporting requirements in sections 64, 64ACA and 64ACB of the Customs Act 1901 in accordance with those sections and the Customs Regulation 2015 .
Note: The reporting requirements in sections 64, 64ACA and 64ACB of the Customs Act 1901 provide, in general, that an operator of a ship that is due to arrive at a port must:
(a) report the impending arrival of the ship; and
(b) report to the Department on the passengers who will be on board the ship at the time of its arrival in port; and
(c) report to the Department on the crew who will be on board the ship at the time of its arrival in port.
The Customs Act and the Customs Regulation 2015 specify time limits within which the reporting is to be done.
(3) For subsection 43(1A) of the Act, a maritime crew visa that is in effect is permission for the holder to enter Australia in a way other than those described in subregulations (1) and (2) if:
(a) health or safety reasons require entry in that way; and
(b) the holder of the visa does not enter Australia at an excised offshore place.
(4) For subsection 43(1A) of the Act, a maritime crew visa that is in effect is permission for the holder to enter Australia in a way other than those described in subregulations (1), (2) and (3) if an authorised officer authorises the holder to enter Australia in that way.