For paragraph 140X(b) of the Act, the purposes for which an inspector may exercise his or her powers are:
(a) determining whether a term or a condition of a work agreement is being, or has been, complied with; and
(b) determining whether a circumstance prescribed under section 140L of the Act exists or has existed; and
(c) investigating a circumstance, if a circumstance exists or has existed, in order to assist the Minister in determining what (if any) action to take under section 140M of the Act.
Note 1: These purposes are additional to the purpose of determining whether a sponsorship obligation is being, or has been, complied with--see paragraph 140X(a) of the Act.
Note 2: Section 140L of the Act allows the regulations to prescribe circumstances in which an approved sponsor may be barred or an approved sponsor's approval may be cancelled. These circumstances are prescribed in Division 2.20.
Note 3: Section 140M of the Act enables the Minister to cancel the approval of an approved sponsor or to bar an approved sponsor if regulations are prescribed under section 140L of the Act.