(1) This regulation applies to a non - citizen who is an eligible non - citizen under subregulation 2.20(18) or (19).
(2) Despite anything in Schedule 1 and Divisions 070.2 to 070.4 of Part 070 of Schedule 2, the Minister may grant the non - citizen a Bridging R (Class WR) visa if the Minister is satisfied that, at the time of decision, the non - citizen does not hold a substantive visa, a criminal justice visa or an enforcement visa.
Note 1: See Divisions 070.5 and 070.6 of Part 070 of Schedule 2 for when the visa is in effect and the conditions to which it is subject.
Note 2: The Minister must not grant the non - citizen a visa under this subregulation while a community safety order made in relation to the non - citizen is in force (see paragraph 76AA(7)(b) of the Act).