(1) The Minister must notify an applicant for approval of a nomination, in writing, of a decision under subsection 140GB(2) of the Act:
(a) within a reasonable period after making the decision; and
(b) by attaching a written copy of the approval or refusal; and
(c) if the decision is a refusal--by attaching a statement of reasons for the refusal.
(1A) If the applicant has a right to have the decision reviewed by application under Part 5 of the Act, the notification must state all of the following:
(a) that the decision can be reviewed by the ART;
(b) the time in which the application for review may be made;
(c) who can apply for the review;
(d) where the application for review may be made.
(2) The Minister may provide the notification to the applicant in an electronic form.