(1) Each of the following standards of measurement has a value equal to the value of its denomination of length, area, mass or volume, unless the accuracy with which the standard is verified exceeds the maximum permissible uncertainty stated in subregulation (2):
(a) an Inspectors' Class 1 standard of measurement;
(b) an Inspectors' Class 2 standard of measurement;
(c) an Inspectors' Class 3 standard of measurement.
(2) The maximum permissible uncertainty is:
(a) for a denomination mentioned in regulation 32--stated in column 2 for the denomination in the relevant Schedule; and
(b) for a denomination mentioned in regulation 33--stated in column 4 for the denomination in the relevant Schedule; and
(c) for a denomination mentioned in regulation 34--stated in column 6 for the denomination in the relevant Schedule.