(1) Application may be made for approval of the pattern of a measuring instrument.
(2) An application must be:
(a) made in the form provided by the Chief Metrologist to approving authorities for issue to applicants; and
(b) accompanied by detailed drawings and specifications of the pattern of the measuring instrument; and
(c) given to a relevant approving authority.
(3) The approving authority may, by written notice given to the applicant, require the applicant to lodge with the authority:
(a) the whole or a part of the pattern of a measuring instrument that is the subject of the application; and
(b) the whole or a part of a measuring instrument constructed in accordance with the pattern; and
(c) any additional information that the authority needs to consider the application properly.
(4) The approving authority may refuse to proceed with the application until the applicant complies with the notice.