The conversion factors stated in column 4 in an item in Schedule 11 are prescribed for the conversion of units of measurement stated in column 2 in that item to units of measurement stated in column 3 in the item.
1 To convert yards to metres use the conversion factor in Column 4 of item 3 of Schedule 11 which is 0.9144, so that:
2 yards ï´ 0.9144 = 1.8288 metres.
2 To convert roods to square metres use the conversion factor in Column 4 of item 11 of Schedule 11 which is 1210 (0.9144) 2 , so that:
16 roods ï´ 1210 ï´ (0.9144) 2 = 16 187.425 69 square metres.
3 To convert slugs to kilograms use the conversion factor in Column 4 of item 22 of Schedule 11 which is 32.174 ï´ 0.453 592 37, so that:
7 slugs ï´ 32.174 ï´ 0.453 592 37 = 102.157 166 39 kilograms.
4 To convert cubic yards to cubic metres use the conversion factor in Column 4 of item 25 of Schedule 11 which is (0.9144) 3 , so that:
88 cubic yards ï´ (0.9144) 3 = 67.280 827 503 cubic metres.
5 To convert miles per hour to kilometres per hour use the conversion factor in Column 4 of item 36 of Schedule 11 which is 1.609 344, so that:
100 miles per hour ï´ 1.609 344 = 160.9344 kilometres per hour.
6 To convert calories to joules use the conversion factor in Column 4 of item 39 of Schedule 11 which is 4.186 8, so that:
107 calories ï´ 4.186 8 = 447.9876 joules.
7 To convert horsepower to watts use the conversion factor in Column 4 of item 41 of Schedule 11 which is 745.7, so that:
88 horsepower ï´ 745.7 = 65 621.6 watts.