(regulation 3)
1 Title
2 Commencement
3 Purpose
4 Delegation
5 Application--vehicles and combinations
6 Application--areas
7 Exemption by notice in Gazette
8 What must be included in a notice?
9 Exemption by permit
10 What must be included in a permit?
11 Areas and roads
12 Failure to comply with a condition
13 Multiple offences and multiple requirements
14 Failure of a pilot or escort vehicle to comply with a requirement
15 Exemptions in emergencies
Part 1--All vehicles travelling under notices
1.1 Mass limits relating to tyre width
1.2 Dimension limits
1.3 Making an unloaded vehicle smaller
1.4 Warning devices for oversize vehicles
1.5 Additional warning devices at night
1.6 Headlights
1.7 Travel restrictions at night
1.8 No travelling if low visibility
1.9 Minimum following distance
1.10 Assessing routes
1.11 Keeping documents
Part 2--Load - carrying vehicles travelling under notices
2.1 Application of Part
2.2 Mass limits for axles and axle groups
2.3 Minimising width
2.4 Carrying goods in addition to a large indivisible item
2.5 Towing a low loader dolly with an unladen low load
Part 3--Special purpose vehicles travelling under notices
3.1 Application of Part
3.2 Mass limits for axles and axle groups
3.3 Total mass limits for special purpose vehicles
3.4 Side lights for travel at night
3.5 Markings for special purpose vehicles
3.6 Prohibition on towing other vehicles
Part 4--Agricultural vehicles travelling under notices
4.1 Application of Part
4.2 Mass limits
4.3 Dimension limits
4.4 Warning devices for agricultural vehicles
4.5 Pilot vehicle requirements for agricultural vehicles
4.6 Agricultural vehicles not to use freeways
4.7 Agricultural implements not to carry loads
4.8 Speed limits for agricultural implements without brakes
4.9 Exemption from requirement for rear vision mirrors
Part 5--Pilot and escort vehicles
5.1 Application of Part
5.2 Requirements for a pilot vehicle
5.3 Requirements for an escort vehicle
5.4 Headlights on a pilot or escort vehicle
5.5 What may a pilot or escort vehicle carry?
5.6 Where must a pilot vehicle be driven?
5.7 Communication between drivers
Part 6--Warning lights
6.1 Characteristics of warning lights
6.2 Visibility of warning lights
6.3 Warning lights to be on if required, and off if not
Part 7--Warning signs
Division 1--When this Part applies
7.1 What specifications must a warning sign comply with?
Division 2--Oversize vehicles and pilot vehicles
7.2 Face of a warning sign
7.3 Material for a warning sign
7.4 Keeping signs clean
7.5 Warning sign must not be displayed if not required
Division 3--Oversize vehicles only
7.6 Size of a warning sign
7.7 Face of a warning sign
7.8 Mounting a warning sign
Division 4--Pilot vehicles only
7.9 Size and shape of a warning sign
7.10 Faces of a warning sign
7.11 Mounting a warning sign
Part 8--Interpretation
8.1 References to vehicles and combinations
8.2 Notes and diagrams
8.3 Measuring the distance between parallel lines
8.4 Application to retractable axles
8.5 Application of mass limits where more than one applies
8.6 Definitions
Note : These Regulations allow Authorities to exempt vehicles and combinations from the mass and dimension limits in the Heavy Vehicle Standards Regulations and Mass and Loading Regulations.
The types of vehicles and combinations which may be exempted are:
• special purpose vehicles such as mobile cranes, concrete pumps and fire trucks;
• vehicles and combinations including low loader and load platform combinations designed to carry or carrying large indivisible items; and
• agricultural machines and implements.
Authorities may grant exemptions by publishing a notice setting out the class of vehicles covered, the areas in which they may travel, and the conditions of travel -- which must include the conditions in these Regulations.
If a vehicle or combination is not covered by a notice, or cannot comply with a notice condition, the operator may apply under these Regulations to the Authority for an individual permit exempting the vehicle or combination from normal mass or dimension limits. The permit may impose some or all of the conditions in these Regulations.
The Regulations also set out requirements for pilot and escort vehicles which accompany oversize and overmass vehicles and combinations.
These Regulations may be cited as the Road Transport Reform (Oversize and Overmass Vehicles) Regulations.
(1) Regulations 1 and 2 commence on the day on which the making of these Regulations is notified in the Gazette.
(2) The remaining provisions of these Regulations commence on a day or days specified by the Minister of the Commonwealth administering the Vehicles and Traffic Act, by notice in the Gazette.
The purposes of these Regulations are:
(a) to provide uniform or consistent conditions, to be applied as part of a national scheme, under which oversize or overmass vehicles and combinations may travel safely and efficiently when exempted from normal dimension or mass limits; and
(b) to increase administrative efficiency by enabling classes of oversize or overmass vehicles or combinations to be exempted from normal dimension or mass limits by notice instead of by individual permit.
For the purpose of section 18 of the Vehicles and Traffic Act , a prescribed person, to whom the Minister may delegate his or her powers (other than the power to make application or emergency orders under subsection 15(1) of that Act), is:
(a) a statutory corporation; or
(b) the holder of a statutory office; or
(c) an officer or employee of a government department or statutory corporation; or
(d) a member of the police force; or
(e) a municipality; or
(f) an officer or employee of a municipality.
5 Application -- vehicles and combinations
(1) These Regulations apply to:
(a) a special purpose vehicle; and
(b) an agricultural machine or agricultural implement; and
(c) a vehicle or combination, including a low loader or load platform combination, that is specially designed for the carriage of a large indivisible item or is carrying a large indivisible item;
that, together with any load, exceeds:
(d) a mass limit in the Mass and Loading Regulations; or
(e) a dimension limit in the Vehicle Standards Regulations or the Mass and Loading Regulations.
(2) These Regulations also apply to a vehicle that is being used as a pilot vehicle or escort vehicle.
(3) These Regulations do not apply to a vehicle or combination:
(a) that is a road train or B - double; or
(b) that is carrying a loaded or empty freight container designed for multi - modal transport; or
(c) that is used only on a railway or tramway.
These Regulations apply to a vehicle or combination referred to in regulation 5 if it is on:
(a) a road; or
(b) an area that divides a road; or
(c) a footpath or nature strip adjacent to a road; or
(d) an area that is not a road and that is open to or used by the public for driving or parking vehicles; or
(e) an area that is open to the public and is designated for use by cyclists or animals; or
(f) an area that is open to or used by the public and has been declared, in accordance with section 16 of the Vehicles and Traffic Act, to be an area to which these Regulations apply.
Note : Under section 15 of the Vehicles and Traffic Act , the Minister may, by notice in the Government Gazette, suspend or vary all or part of these Regulations for a specified period.
7 Exemption by notice in Gazette
The Authority may, by notice published in the Government Gazette, exempt vehicles or combinations from:
(a) a mass or dimension requirement of the Mass and Loading Regulations, other than a requirement that relates to a GVM, GCM or manufacturer's limit; or
(b) a dimension limit in the Vehicle Standards Regulations.
Note: Government Gazette is defined in the Vehicles and Traffic Act to mean the Government Gazette of the jurisdiction concerned.
8 What must be included in a notice?
(1) A notice must specify:
(a) the class of vehicles or combinations to which it applies; and
(b) the areas or routes to which it applies; and
(c) the provisions of the Vehicle Standards Regulations and Mass and Loading Regulations from which exemption is given; and
(d) the conditions under which the exemption is given; and
(e) how long it is to remain in force.
(2) The conditions of a notice must include the conditions set out in the Schedule that are applicable to the class of vehicles or combinations to which the notice applies.
(3) The conditions in the Schedule may be incorporated in the notice by referring to them rather than by setting them out in full.
(1) An operator of a vehicle or combination may apply to the Authority for a permit exempting the vehicle or combination from a requirement of the Vehicle Standards Regulations or Mass and Loading Regulations specified in subregulation (3) or (4).
Note: The term operator is defined at the back of the Schedule. Permit applications may be made in company names or in joint names.
(2) An application for a permit must be in writing and in a form approved by the Authority.
(3) The Authority may grant a permit exempting a vehicle or combination from:
(a) a mass or dimension requirement of the Mass and Loading Regulations, other than a requirement that relates to a GVM, GCM or manufacturer's limit; or
(b) a dimension limit in the Vehicle Standards Regulations.
(4) Despite paragraph ( 3)(a), a permit may exempt a combination consisting of more than one prime mover or hauling unit from compliance with the individual GCMs of the prime movers or hauling units on condition that the sum of the individual GCMs is not exceeded.
10 What must be included in a permit?
(1) A permit must specify:
(a) the vehicle or combination to which it applies; and
(b) the areas or routes to which it applies; and
(c) the provisions of the Vehicle Standards Regulations or Mass and Loading Regulations from which exemption is given; and
(d) the conditions under which the exemption is given; and
(e) how long it is to remain in force.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subregulation (1), the conditions of a permit must include all the conditions set out in Parts 6 and 7 of the Schedule, which may be incorporated in the permit by referring to them rather than by setting them out in full.
For the purposes of a notice or permit, the Authority may designate categories of areas and roads, and, in particular, it may determine that an area or road or part of a road is in category 1, 2 or 3 in Table 7 of the Schedule.
12 Failure to comply with a condition
(1) A person is guilty of an offence if a condition of a notice or permit, or of an exemption granted under regulation 15, is breached by:
(a) the person; or
(b) a combination which the person is driving or operating; or
(c) a motor vehicle which does not form part of a combination, and which the person is driving or operating; or
(d) a vehicle forming part of a combination which the person is driving or operating.
(2) A person convicted of an offence under these Regulations for breaching a condition, except in the circumstances referred to in subregulation (3), is liable to a penalty not exceeding $2 000 for an individual or $10 000 for a body corporate.
(3) A person convicted of an offence for breaching a mass limit contained in the conditions of a notice or permit is liable to a penalty not exceeding $3 000 for an individual or $15 000 for a body corporate.
(4) The driver or operator of an oversize or overmass vehicle or combination is not liable to prosecution under these Regulations, but may be liable to prosecution under the Mass and Loading Regulations or the Vehicle Standards Regulations if the vehicle or combination breaks a condition of a notice or permit, or of an exemption granted under regulation 15 by travelling:
(a) on a route other than a route on which it is permitted to travel under a notice or permit; or
(b) at a time other than a time at which it is permitted to travel under a notice or permit; or
(c) accompanied by fewer than the number of pilot or escort vehicles required under a notice or permit that applies to it; or
(d) with an aggregate mass that is more than 10% in excess of the limit allowed under a notice or permit.
(5) Any notice or permit issued under these Regulations must be disregarded for the purposes of a prosecution under the Mass and Loading Regulations or the Vehicle Standards Regulations in the circumstances referred to in subregulation (4).
13 Multiple offences and multiple requirements
(1) A person who is both the driver and the operator of a vehicle or combination may be punished only once in relation to the same failure of the person, vehicle or combination to comply with a condition of a notice or permit, or of an exemption granted under regulation 15.
(2) A person who is both the driver of a pilot vehicle and the operator of a vehicle or combination being accompanied by that pilot vehicle may be prosecuted in either of those capacities in the circumstances described in paragraph 12(4)(a), (b) or (c), but may be punished only once in respect of a particular offence arising from those circumstances.
(3) A person who is convicted of an offence, in relation to a part of a motor vehicle or trailer that fails to comply with a condition, may be convicted of another offence if another part of the motor vehicle or trailer also fails to comply with the same or a similar condition.
(4) If more than one mass limit applies to a vehicle or combination, or part of a vehicle or combination, the lower mass limit must be complied with.
14 Failure of a pilot or escort vehicle to comply with a requirement
(1) If a pilot vehicle:
(a) accompanies an oversize vehicle or combination in any of the circumstances described in paragraph 12(4)(a), (b) or (c); or
(b) does not comply with a requirement of Part 5 of the Schedule;
its driver, and the operator of the oversize vehicle or combination it is accompanying, are each guilty of an offence, punishable on conviction by a penalty not exceeding $2 000 for an individual or $10 000 for a body corporate.
(2) If an escort vehicle does not comply with a requirement of Part 5 of the Schedule, its driver, and the operator of the oversize vehicle or combination it is accompanying, are each guilty of an offence, punishable on conviction by a penalty not exceeding $2 000 for an individual or $10 000 for a body corporate.
(1) In an emergency such as a fire, explosion or natural disaster, the Authority may exempt a vehicle or combination, or its driver or operator, from a requirement of these Regulations if:
(a) the vehicle or combination is being used, or is intended to be used, to protect life or property, or to restore communication or the supply of energy or water or services such as sewage disposal; and
(b) the exemption does not present an unreasonable danger to other road users.
(2) An exemption may be subject to conditions imposed by the Authority.
(3) The Authority must make a written record of the exemption, and any conditions to which it is subject, but may cause it to be communicated orally to the operator.
Part 1 -- All vehicles travelling under notices
1.1 Mass limits relating to tyre width
(1) The mass on an axle fitted with tyres of a number and width described in Table 1 must not exceed the mass limit specified in the Table for that axle in relation to the narrowest tyre on the axle.
Table 1
Tyre width of the narrowest tyre on the axle (mm) | Mass limit if the axle has 2 tyres (tonnes) | Mass limit if the axle has 4 tyres (tonnes) | |
at least | but less than |
190 | 228 | 4.5 | 9.0 |
228 | 254 | 5.0 | 9.5 |
254 | 279 | 6.0 | 10.0 |
279 | 305 | 6.5 | 11.0 |
305 | 330 | 7.0 | 12.0 |
330 | 356 | 7.5 | 13.0 |
356 | 381 | 8.0 | 14.0 |
381 | 406 | 9.0 | 14.0 |
406 | 458 | 10.0 | 14.0 |
458 | 508 | 11.0 | 14.0 |
508 |
| 12.0 | 14.0 |
(2) The mass on an axle group fitted with tyres of a number and width described in Table 2 must not exceed the mass limit specified in the Table for that axle group in relation to the narrowest tyre in the group.
Table 2
Tyre width of the narrowest tyre in the group (mm) | Mass limit for a tandem axle group with 4 tyres (tonnes) | Mass limit for a tri - axle group with 6 tyres (tonnes) | |
at least | but less than |
381 | 406 | 16.5 | 22.0 |
406 | 431 | 17.0 | 23.0 |
431 | 458 | 17.5 | 24.0 |
458 | 482 | 18.0 | 25.0 |
482 | 508 | 18.5 | 26.0 |
508 |
| 19.0 | 27.0 |
(3) For the purposes of Tables 1 and 2, the tyre width of a radial ply tyre is the number of millimetres marked on the tyre in the position labelled 'Section width in mm' on the diagram below.
Position of section width marking on radial ply tyre
(4) For the purposes of Tables 1 and 2, the tyre width of a bias - type tyre is the number of millimetres equal to 25.4 times the number marked on the tyre in the position labelled 'Width code in inches' on the diagram below.
Position of width code marking on diagonal or bias type tyre
(5) If no section width or width code is marked on a tyre, the tyre width for the purposes of Tables 1 and 2 may be determined by measuring the width of the part of the tyre that normally comes into contact with the road surface.
(1) A vehicle or combination described in Table 3 must not, together with any load, exceed a dimension limit specified in the Table for that vehicle or combination, or the corresponding limit in the Vehicle Standards Regulations or the Mass and Loading Regulations, whichever is the greater.
Table 3
Type of vehicle or combination | Dimension | Limit (m) |
Any except agricultural | Width | 3.5 |
Any except agricultural | Height | 4.6 |
Any combination except agricultural | Length | 25.0 |
Special purpose vehicle | Length | 14.5 |
Other rigid vehicle | Length | 12.5 |
Special purpose vehicle | Distance from the rear overhang line to rear of the vehicle | Lesser of 4 m and 90% of the wheelbase |
Semi - trailer | Distance from the rear overhang line to the rear of the vehicle (or load) | Lesser of 5.5 m and 25% of the semi - trailer's length |
Special purpose vehicle | Projection in front of the centre of the steering wheel | 3.5 |
Note 1: Dimension limits for agricultural vehicles are set out in clause 4.3.
The combined dimensions of a vehicle and its load must still comply with the requirements of Table 3 even if the load projects from the vehicle in any direction.
Note 2: A notice may specify routes for particular classes of vehicles under regulation 8. For example vehicles under 4.5 m in height may be allowed to travel on a greater number of routes than vehicles 4.6 m high.
(2) Any flags, lights or mirrors required on a vehicle, combination or load must be disregarded when measuring the dimensions of a vehicle or combination for the purposes of these Regulations.
(3) The centre lines of adjacent axles in an axle group on an overmass vehicle or combination must be at least 1.2 m apart.
Rigid mobile crane, showing dimension limits
1.3 Making an unloaded vehicle smaller
An oversize vehicle without a load must be reduced to the smallest practicable dimensions, with any booms fully retracted.
1.4 Warning devices for oversize vehicles
(1) An oversize vehicle or combination, together with any load, that is wider than 2.5 m, or longer than 25 m, must have:
(a) one warning sign at its front; and
(b) one warning sign at its rear or, if it is carrying a rear - projecting load, at the rear of the load; and
(c) 4 brightly coloured red, yellow, or red and yellow, flags, each at least 450 mm long and at least 450 mm wide.
(2) One of the flags must be positioned at each side of the front and rear:
(a) of any projecting load; or
(b) if there is no projecting load -- of the vehicle or combination.
(3) An oversize vehicle or combination that, together with any load, is not wider than 2.5 m, and whose length is more than 22 m but not more than 25 m, must have one warning sign at its rear or, if it is carrying a rear - projecting load, at the rear of the load.
(4) Subclauses ( 1), (2) and (3) do not apply to:
(a) a road construction vehicle or combination travelling within 1 km of a construction site, if the vehicle has a warning light; or
(b) a tractor; or
(c) a rigid mobile crane less than 3 m wide.
(5) If a load projects more than 150 mm beyond one side of an oversize vehicle or combination, and the projection is less than 500 mm thick from top to bottom, there must be:
(a) a warning light attached to the vehicle or combination; and
(b) at least two yellow, rigid pieces of material (known as 'delineators'), one attached to the front and the other attached to the rear of the projection.
Note: If the load projects more than 150 mm beyond both sides of the vehicle there must be at least 4 delineators -- at least one on each side at the front and at least one on each side at the rear.
(6) A delineator must:
(a) be at least 300 mm long and at least 300 mm wide; and
(b) comply with Class 1 or 2 of Australian Standard AS 1906, 'Retro - reflective Materials and Devices for Road Traffic Control Purposes', 1990 as amended and in force at the commencement of these Regulations; and
(c) if at the front of the projection, be attached so that its reflective surface is facing forward of the vehicle; and
(d) if at the rear of the projection, be attached so that its reflective surface is facing rearward from the vehicle.
(7) In the daytime, an oversize vehicle or combination must display a warning light if the vehicle, together with any load, is wider than 3 m.
Note: Other warning requirements
As well as complying with subclauses ( 5), (6) and (7) and clause 1.5:
• tractors (and other agricultural vehicles) must comply with the warning requirements in clause 4.4; and
• rigid mobile cranes (and other special purpose vehicles) must comply with the warning requirements in clauses 3.4 and 3.5.
Parts 6 and 7 set out requirements for warning lights and signs.
In addition to the requirements in these Regulations, any load projecting more than 1.2 m behind the vehicle must display warning flags in the daytime, in accordance with the Mass and Loading Regulations.
1.5 Additional warning devices at night
At night, an oversize vehicle or combination must display:
(a) lights showing yellow to the front and red to the rear (known as 'side markers') no more than 2 m apart along both sides of the vehicle and along any front or rear projection; and
(b) two red lights (known as 'rear markers') fixed to the rear of any rear - projecting load, within 400 mm of each side of the load, and at least 1 m but not more than 2.1 m above the ground; and
(c) a warning light if the vehicle or combination, together with any load, is wider than 2.5 m or longer than 22 m.
Note: Clause 3.4 sets out additional lighting requirements for special purpose vehicles travelling at night.
An oversize vehicle, or the front vehicle in an oversize combination, must have its low - beam headlights on while travelling in the daytime, unless it is not required under the Vehicle Standards Regulations to have headlights.
1.7 Travel restrictions at night
At night, a vehicle or combination that, together with any load, is wider than 3.1 m or longer than 22 m, must not:
(a) travel outside an urban area; or
(b) travel in an urban area without being accompanied by a pilot vehicle.
Note: Urban areas are designated by the Authority -- see regulation 11. Permits for night travel outside the conditions of this clause are uncommon.
1.8 No travelling if low visibility
(1) A vehicle or combination must not begin to travel if, due to circumstances such as fog, heavy rain, smoke, dust or insect plague:
(a) visibility is less than 250 m in the daytime; or
(b) the headlights of a vehicle approaching within 250 m could not be seen at night.
(2) If a vehicle or combination is already travelling when visibility is reduced to the level described in subclause ( 1), the driver must drive it into the nearest safe parking area, and wait until visibility improves beyond that level before continuing to travel.
1.9 Minimum following distance
A person driving an oversize vehicle or combination must maintain a distance of at least 200 m from an oversize vehicle or combination travelling in front of it, unless:
(a) it is overtaking the front one, or the front one is stopping; or
(b) there is a separate lane available for the use of overtaking traffic; or
(c) it is in an urban area and it is not reasonably practicable to maintain a distance of 200 m.
(1) Before a vehicle or combination is driven along any route, its driver and operator must be satisfied that the route has been assessed and that the vehicle or combination can be driven along it without contravening subclause ( 2).
(2) A vehicle or combination must not be driven along a route if to do so would be likely to cause:
(a) disruption to telecommunication, electricity, rail, gas, water or sewage services; or
(b) damage to a road (including a bridge), structure, rail crossing or tree.
(3) Subclause ( 2) does not apply if the authority responsible for the services or property has given permission for the vehicle or combination to travel along the route, and the vehicle or combination is driven in accordance with the permission.
Note: The Road Transport Reform (Traffic) Regulations prohibit vehicles and combinations larger or heavier than a limit shown on a sign relating to a road or bridge from using the road or bridge.
The driver of a vehicle or combination must carry in the driving compartment a copy of:
(a) any notice or permit under which the vehicle or combination is operating; or
(b) any information sheet issued by the Authority, which sets out the obligations imposed under the notice.
Part 2 -- Load - carrying vehicles travelling under notices
This Part applies only to load - carrying vehicles and combinations.
2.2 Mass limits for axles and axle groups
(1) The mass on a single axle or axle group described in Table 4 must not exceed the mass limit specified opposite its description in the Table if it is in a combination consisting of a tandem drive prime mover towing:
(a) a low loader; or
(b) a low loader dolly and a low loader; or
(c) a jinker; or
(d) a low loader dolly and a jinker.
Table 4
Single axle or axle group | Mass limit (tonnes) |
Steer axle with 2 tyres | 6.0 |
Twinsteer axle group without a load - sharing suspension system | 10.0 |
Twinsteer axle group with a load - sharing suspension system | 11.0 |
Single axle with 8 tyres | 12.0 |
Tandem axle group with 8 or more tyres, not on a trailer | 18.5 |
Tandem axle group with 16 or more tyres, on a trailer | 21.0 |
Tri - axle group with 12 or more tyres | 25.0 |
Oversize tri - axle group with 12 or more tyres or quad axle group with 16 or more tyres | 27.0 |
(2) The sum of the mass on each of the combination's single axles and axle groups must not exceed the sum of the mass limits specified for each of them in Table 4.
(3) In addition, the total mass of the combination and any load must not exceed:
(a) 49.5 t if the distance between the centre line of the rearmost axle of the towing vehicle and the centre line of the foremost axle of the combination's rear axle group is 6 m or more; or
(b) 49.5 t decreased by 1 t for every 0.3 m by which the distance referred to in paragraph ( 3)(a) is less than 6 m.
Illustration of distance for the purpose of subclause ( 3)
(4) The mass on an axle group or single axle must not exceed the relevant limit set by the Mass and Loading Regulations if it is:
(a) not described in Table 4; or
(b) on a load - carrying vehicle or combination except one described in subclause ( 1).
(1) If a load can be safely loaded in more than one way, it must be loaded in a way that minimises the width of the vehicle or combination and its load.
(2) An unladen low loader, low loader dolly or jinker, with 4 tyres on each axle, must not be wider than 2.5 m.
(3) An unladen low loader, low loader dolly or jinker, with 8 tyres on each axle, must not be wider than 2.7 m.
2.4 Carrying goods in addition to a large indivisible item
(1) A vehicle or combination must not carry more than one large indivisible item unless:
(a) the vehicle or combination and its load complies with the mass limits in the Mass and Loading Regulations; and
(b) the carrying of additional large indivisible items does not cause the vehicle or combination and its load to exceed a dimension limit in the Mass and Loading Regulations that would not have been exceeded by the carrying of one of the large indivisible items.
(2) A vehicle or combination carrying one or more large indivisible items must not carry any other goods unless:
(a) the vehicle or combination and its load complies with the mass limits in the Mass and Loading Regulations; and
(b) the other goods are contained within the dimension limits in the Mass and Loading Regulations.
(3) In spite of subclause ( 2), a vehicle or combination carrying a special purpose vehicle or agricultural vehicle may also carry any equipment, tools, substances or detached parts to be used in conjunction with the vehicle being carried.
2.5 Towing a low loader dolly with an unladen low load
An unladen low loader must not be towed in a combination with a low loader dolly unless:
(a) the combination is 2.5 m wide or less; and
(b) it would be unreasonable to require the dolly to be loaded onto the low loader because of the short distance to be travelled, or special difficulties in loading or unloading the dolly due to the nature of the site.
Part 3 -- Special purpose vehicles travelling under notices
This Part applies only to special purpose vehicles.
3.2 Mass limits for axles and axle groups
(1) The mass on a single axle or axle group described in Table 5 must not exceed the mass limit specified opposite its description in the Table.
Table 5
Type of Axle or Axle group | Mass limit (tonnes) |
Single axle or single axle group fitted with: |
( a ) single tyres | 7 |
( b ) dual tyres | 10 |
Twinsteer axle group: |
( a ) without a load - sharing suspension system | 10 |
( b ) with a load - sharing suspension system | 14 |
Tandem axle group fitted with single tyres | 14 |
Tri - axle group fitted with single tyres | 18 |
(2) The mass on a tandem axle group fitted with dual tyres, where the centre lines of the axles are less than 1.35 m apart, must not exceed 20 t:
(a) decreased by 1 t for each 100 mm by which the axle group's ground contact width is less than 2.4 m; or
(b) increased by 1 t for each 100 mm by which the axle group's ground contact width exceeds 2.5 m, but not increased to more than 27 t.
(3) The mass on a tandem axle group fitted with dual tyres, where the centre lines of the axles are at least 1.35 m apart, must not exceed 23 t:
(a) decreased by 1 t for each 100 mm by which the axle group's ground contact width is less than 2.4 m; or
(b) increased by 1 t for each 100 mm by which the axle group's ground contact width exceeds 2.5 m, but not increased to more than 27 t.
(4) The mass on a tri - axle group fitted with dual tyres, where the centre lines of the axles are less than 1.35 m apart, must not exceed 25 t, decreased by 1 t for each 100 mm by which the axle group's ground contact width is less than 2.4 m.
Note: Under subclause 1.2(3) the centre lines of the axles must be at least 1.2 m apart.
(5) The mass on a tri - axle group fitted with dual tyres, where the centre lines of the axles are at least 1.35 m apart, must not exceed 27 t, decreased by 1 t for each 100 mm by which the axle group's ground contact width is less than 2.4 m.
3.3 Total mass limits for special purpose vehicles
The total mass of a special purpose vehicle must not exceed the least of:
(a) the sum of the mass allowed for each single axle and axle group on the vehicle; and
(b) 40 t; and
(c) the mass worked out using the following formula:
"L" is the distance in metres between the centre lines of the vehicle's foremost and rearmost axles; and
"±G" is a number of tonnes:
(a) to be added at the rate of 1 t for each 100 mm by which the ground contact width of the rearmost axle exceeds 2.5 m; or
(b) to be subtracted at the rate of 1 t for each 100 mm by which the ground contact width of the rearmost axle is less than 2.4 m.
Illustration of distance 'L'
3.4 Side lights for travel at night
(1) When travelling at night, a special purpose vehicle with a projection extending more than 1.2 m in front of the vehicle body must have a yellow light fixed on each side of the projection, mounted as far forward as possible, and shielded from the driver's view.
(2) Both lights must be visible to any traffic approaching the vehicle from its front, and at least one of the lights must be visible to any traffic approaching the vehicle from either side.
3.5 Markings for special purpose vehicles
(1) Rear marker plates complying with ADR 13/00, must be displayed at the rearmost part of the body of a special purpose vehicle.
(2) A pattern covering an area one of at least 0.16 m 2 and consisting of diagonal stripes at least 150 mm wide and alternately coloured:
(a) red and white; or
(b) black and white;
must be displayed on the left and right sides of any rigid projection extending more than 1.2 m in front of the body of a special purpose vehicle, if it is practicable to do so.
3.6 Prohibition on towing other vehicles
A special purpose vehicle must not tow a vehicle.
Part 4 -- Agricultural vehicles travelling under notices
This Part applies only to agricultural vehicles and agricultural combinations.
The mass on an axle described in Table 6, on an agricultural machine or implement with 2 axles, must not exceed the mass limit specified opposite its description in the Table.
Table 6
Number of tyres on an axle | Mass limit (tonnes) |
Axle fitted with 2 tyres | 9.0 |
Axle fitted with 4 tyres and a ground contact width less than 2.51 m | 9.0 |
Axle fitted with 4 tyres and a ground contact width at least 2.51 m but not more than 3.5 m | 10.5 |
Axle fitted with 4 tyres and a ground contact width more than 3.5 m | 12.0 |
(1) The height of an agricultural vehicle must not exceed 4.6 m.
(2) On an agricultural machine or implement, the distance from the rear overhang line to the rear of the vehicle must not exceed 4.5 m (except for augers or conveyors, on which the distance must not exceed 5.5 m).
(3) The length of an agricultural machine must not exceed 12.5 m.
(4) The length of an agricultural combination must not exceed 25 m.
(5) The width of an agricultural machine or combination described in Table 7, in an area determined by the Authority to be in a category specified in Table 7, must not exceed the limit specified opposite that category in the Table.
Table 7
Category of Area | Width limit for an agricultural machine alone or an agricultural machine or rigid vehicle towing an agricultural implement (metres) |
Category 1 | 3.5 |
Category 2 | 5.0 |
Category 3 | 6.0 |
(6) An agricultural vehicle or combination of a type or in an area not covered by Table 7 must not be wider than 2.5 m.
Note: An agricultural vehicle or combination not covered by Table 7 must get a permit in order to travel at a greater width than 2.5 m.
4.4 Warning devices for agricultural vehicles
(1) An agricultural vehicle or combination which is wider than 2.5 m, or an agricultural combination which is longer than 22 m, must have a warning light fixed to its highest practicable point when it is on a major road.
(2) A warning sign must be displayed at the rear of an agricultural implement being towed by a tractor.
Note: Under clause 1.4, single tractors do not have to be fitted with warning signs.
(3) A pattern covering an area of at least 0.16 m 2 and consisting of diagonal stripes at least 150 mm wide and alternately coloured:
(a) red and white; or
(b) black and white;
must be displayed at the sides of the rear of any auger, conveyor, or harvester comb carried on a comb trailer.
(4) Any part of an axle extending more than 150 mm from the outside wall of a tractor's tyre must be painted fluorescent yellow or have yellow fluorescent or other high - visibility material wrapped around it.
Note: See clauses 1.4 and 1.5 for additional warning requirements for agricultural vehicles.
4.5 Pilot vehicle requirements for agricultural vehicles
(1) Agricultural vehicles and combinations of a width described in Table 8 must be accompanied by pilot vehicles in accordance with the Table.
Table 8
Area of operation | Wider than 3.7m but not wider than 4.5m | Wider than 4.5m but not wider than 6m |
If the terrain limits a clear view of approaching traffic to less than 500 m | 1 pilot vehicle | 2 pilot vehicles |
A major road | 1 pilot vehicle | 2 pilot vehicles |
If there is a clear view of approaching traffic for at least 500 m, but not on a major road. | nil | 1 pilot vehicle |
(2) In spite of subclause ( 1), an agricultural vehicle or combination does not have to be accompanied by a pilot vehicle if it is travelling less than 500 m.
4.6 Agricultural vehicles not to use freeways
An oversize agricultural vehicle or combination must not be driven on a freeway.
4.7 Agricultural implements not to carry loads
An agricultural implement must not carry a load.
4.8 Speed limits for agricultural implements without brakes
An agricultural implement without brakes must not be towed at a speed greater than the lesser of:
(a) 20km an hour less than the speed limit set by the Road Transport Reform (Traffic) Regulations; and
(b) 50km an hour.
4.9 Exemption from requirement for rear vision mirrors
A vehicle towing an agricultural implement wider than 3.5 m, which obscures the view to the rear of the vehicle, is exempt from any requirement under the Vehicle Standards Regulations to have a rear vision mirror fitted.
Part 5 -- Pilot and escort vehicles
This Part applies to the operation of a vehicle as a pilot vehicle or escort vehicle that is required by a notice or permit under these Regulations.
5.2 Requirements for a pilot vehicle
(1) A pilot vehicle must have 4 or more wheels and a GVM of:
(a) 6.5 t or less in the case of a rear pilot vehicle if two pilot vehicles are required; or
(b) 4.5 t or less in any other case.
(2) A pilot vehicle must have a warning sign on its roof.
(3) A pilot vehicle must only have a warning light attached:
(a) above or below the sign; or
(b) at each side of the sign.
Note: Parts 6 and 7 set out requirements for warning lights and signs.
5.3 Requirements for an escort vehicle
(1) An escort vehicle other than a police motor cycle must have:
(a) 4 or more wheels; and
(b) a GVM of 4.5 t or less; and
(c) on its roof a light that flashes or two lights that flash when switched on.
(2) A light referred to in subclause ( 1) must flash yellow unless the vehicle is a police vehicle or a vehicle belonging to an Authority and the light is of a colour approved under the Vehicle Standards Regulations.
5.4 Headlights on a pilot or escort vehicle
The low - beam headlights on a pilot vehicle or escort vehicle must be switched on when it is accompanying an oversize vehicle or combination during the daytime.
5.5 What may a pilot or escort vehicle carry?
A pilot or escort vehicle must not tow a trailer or carry a load, but it may carry tools, equipment or substances for use in connection with the oversize vehicle or combination that it is accompanying or for restraining the load on that vehicle or combination.
5.6 Where must a pilot vehicle be driven?
(1) When 1 pilot vehicle accompanies an oversize vehicle or combination, the pilot vehicle must travel:
(a) behind the oversize vehicle or combination if they are on a divided road; or
(b) in front of the oversize vehicle or combination if they are on a road that is not divided.
(2) When 2 pilot vehicles accompany an oversize vehicle or combination, one pilot vehicle must travel in front of the oversize vehicle or combination, and the other behind it.
(3) A pilot vehicle must travel far enough away from the oversize vehicle or combination it is accompanying to give adequate warning to other road users of the presence of the oversize vehicle or combination, taking into account traffic speed, weather, visibility and other driving conditions.
5.7 Communication between drivers
(1) An oversize vehicle or combination and any accompanying pilot or escort vehicle must have an electronic device that allows the drivers to communicate effectively with each other.
(2) Subclause ( 1) does not apply to:
(a) an oversize agricultural machine; or
(b) an oversize combination that includes an agricultural machine; or
(c) an escort vehicle that is a police vehicle.
6.1 Characteristics of warning lights
When switched on, a warning light on an oversize vehicle or combination or pilot vehicle must:
(a) emit a rotating, flashing, yellow coloured light; and
(b) flash between 120 and 200 times a minute; and
(c) have a power of at least 55 watts; and
(d) not be a strobe light.
6.2 Visibility of warning lights
(1) A warning light on an oversize vehicle or combination or a pilot or escort vehicle must be:
(a) clearly visible at a distance of 500 m in all directions; or
(b) supplemented by one or more additional warning lights so that the light emanating from at least one of them is clearly visible at a distance of 500 m in any direction.
(2) In spite of subclause ( 1), in the case of a pilot vehicle travelling in front of an oversize vehicle or combination, a filter may be placed behind the warning light on the pilot vehicle, to reduce the intensity of the light directed to the driver of the oversize vehicle or combination.
6.3 Warning lights to be on if required, and off if not
(1) Any warning light which an oversize vehicle or combination is required to have must only be switched on when the vehicle or combination is travelling or is stationary in a position that is likely to cause danger to other road users.
(2) Any warning light which a pilot or escort vehicle is required to have must be switched on when the vehicle is travelling and accompanying an oversize vehicle or combination.
(3) If a vehicle or combination is not required under these Regulations to have a warning light, it must not have one that is switched on.
Division 1 -- When this Part applies
7.1 What specifications must a warning sign comply with?
A warning sign must comply with the specifications in this Part:
(a) if it is on an oversize agricultural vehicle or combination; or
(b) if it is on another type of oversize vehicle or combination, or a pilot vehicle.
Division 2 -- Oversize vehicles and pilot vehicles
(1) The face of a warning sign must have a yellow surface which complies with Class 1 or 2 of Australian Standard AS 1906, 'Retro - reflective Materials and Devices for Road Traffic Control Purposes', Parts 1 to 4 (inclusive).
(2) The face of the warning sign must have a black border at least 20 mm wide.
(3) The outermost edge of the border must be set at least 10 mm in from the edge of the sign unless the sign has been made with a box edge.
(4) The warning sign must have its manufacturer's name or trademark permanently marked in letters at least 3 mm but not more than 10 mm high.
(5) The marking may appear in any visible location on the sign, except in a bot tom corner of a sign used on a pilot vehicle.
7.3 Material for a warning sign
(1) A warning sign must be made of stiff, flat, weatherproof material.
Note: Zincalume at least 0.8 mm thick, and aluminium at least 1.6 mm thick are examples of material which would comply with subclause ( 1).
(2) In spite of subclause ( 1), the rear sign on an oversize vehicle or combination may be made of flexible material if the load is unsuitable for a stiff sign.
A warning sign on a vehicle must be kept clean enough so that it can be easily read by other road users.
7.5 Warning sign must not be displayed if not required
A warning sign must not be displayed on a vehicle or combination that is not operating:
(a) oversize; or
(b) as a pilot vehicle.
Division 3 -- Oversize vehicles only
(1) A warning sign on an oversize vehicle or combination must be at least 1200 mm long and at least 450 mm high.
(2) The sign may be split into two parts, in which case the combined length of its parts must be at least 1200 mm.
(1) A warning sign on an oversize vehicle or combination must show the word 'OVERSIZE', in black upper - case lettering, conforming with Australian Standard AS 1744, 'Forms of Letters and Numerals for Road Signs', in typeface Series C(N).
(2) The lettering must be at least 200 mm high.
(3) The top and the bot tom of the lettering must be at least 125 mm from the top and bot tom of the sign, respectively.
(4) If the sign is split into two parts:
(a) the part mounted on the left must show the letters 'OVER' and the part mounted on the right must show the letters 'SIZE'; and
(b) there must be no border between the two parts, in spite of subclauses 7.2(2) and (3).
Illustration of a warning sign for an oversize vehicle or combination
(1) A warning sign on an oversize vehicle or combination must be mounted vertically.
(2) The lower edge of the sign must be:
(a) above the bot tom of the bumper bar; or
(b) if there is no bumper bar -- at least 500 mm from the ground level.
(3) If the sign is split into two parts, each part must be fitted at the same height as the other.
Division 4 -- Pilot vehicles only
7.9 Size and shape of a warning sign
(1) A warning sign on a pilot vehicle must be at least 1200 mm long and at least 600 mm high.
(2) The sign may have bot tom corner cut - outs not more than 150 mm wide and not more than 100 mm high if they are needed for mounting the warning lights.
(1) Both faces of a warning sign on a pilot vehicle must show:
(a) the word 'OVERSIZE', in black upper - case lettering at least 200 mm high, conforming with Australian Standard AS 1744, 'Forms of Letters and Numerals for Road Signs', in typeface Series C(N); and
(b) the words 'LOAD AHEAD', in black upper - case lettering at least 100 mm high, conforming with Australian Standard AS 1744, 'Forms of Letters and Numerals for Road Signs', in typeface Series D(N).
(2) The bot tom of the lettering of the word 'OVERSIZE' must be at least 300 mm from the bot tom of the sign.
(3) The bot tom of the lettering of the words 'LOAD AHEAD' must be at least 100 mm from the bot tom of the sign.
Illustration of a warning sign for a pilot vehicle
(1) A warning sign on a pilot vehicle must not lean back so that there is more than 200 mm measured horizontally from the top of the sign to a vertical line running through the bot tom of the sign.
Illustration of maximum slant of warning sign
8.1 References to vehicles and combinations
In these Regulations, a reference to:
(a) a vehicle or combination is a reference to a vehicle or combination that is oversize or overmass or both;
(b) an oversize vehicle or combination is a reference to a vehicle or combination that is oversize, or oversize and overmass; and
(c) an overmass vehicle or combination is a reference to a vehicle or combination that is overmass, or overmass and oversize.
(1) A note does not form part of these Regulations.
(2) Unless the contrary intention appears, a diagram in these Regulations is illustrative only and does not form part of the Regulations.
8.3 Measuring the distance between parallel lines
In these Regulations, a reference to a distance between 2 lines that are parallel means the distance measured at right angles between the lines.
8.4 Application to retractable axles
For the purposes of these Regulations, a retractable axle must be taken to be an axle when it is in the lowered position and must be taken not to be an axle when it is in the raised position.
8.5 Application of mass limits where more than one applies
If two or more mass limits apply to the same axle or axle group as a result of the application of provisions in Table 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6, or in any two or more of those Tables, the axle or axle group must comply with the lower or lowest of those limits.
In these Regulations, unless the contrary intention appears:
"ADR" (Australian Design Rule) means a national standard under the Motor Vehicle Standards Act 1989 .
"agricultural combination" means a combination that includes at least one agricultural vehicle.
"agricultural implement" means a vehicle without its own motive power, built to perform agricultural tasks.
Note: Examples of agricultural implements are irrigating equipment, augers, conveyors, empty field bins, harvester fronts, and machinery fully carried on the three - point linkage of a tractor.
"agricultural machine" means a machine with its own motive power, built to perform agricultural tasks.
Note: Examples of agricultural machines are tractors and harvesters.
"agricultural vehicle" means an agricultural implement or agricultural machine.
"at night" means during the period between sunset and sunrise.
"Australian Standard" means a standard, approved for publication on behalf of the Council of the Standards Association of Australia, as in force at the commencement of the provision in which the expression appears.
"Authority" means:
(a) the Minister; or
(b) a prescribed person to whom the powers of the Minister are delegated for the purposes of the provision in which the term is used.
"axle" means one or more shafts positioned in a line across a vehicle, on which one or more wheels intended to support the vehicle turn.
"axle group" means a single axle group, tandem axle group, twinsteer axle group, tri - axle group or quad axle group.
"B-double" means a combination of vehicles consisting of a prime mover towing 2 semi - trailers.
"centre line" , in relation to an axle, means:
(a) in the case of an axle consisting of one shaft -- a line parallel to the length of the axle and passing through its centre; and
(b) in the case of an axle consisting of 2 shafts -- a line that is in the vertical plane passing through the centre of both shafts and that passes through the centres of the wheels on the shafts.
"centre of an axle group" means:
(a) a line located midway between the centre lines of the outermost axles of the group; or
(b) if the group consists of 2 axles, one of which is fitted with twice the number of tyres as the other axle -- a line located one third of the way from the centre line of the axle with more tyres towards the centre line of the axle with fewer tyres.
Centre of a typical quad axle group fitted with an equal number of tyres on each axle
Centre of a typical tandem axle group fitted with an unequal number of tyres on each axle
"combination" means a motor vehicle connected to one or more vehicles.
"converter dolly" means a trailer with one axle group or single axle and a fifth wheel coupling, designed to convert a semi - trailer into a dog trailer.
"daytime" means the period beginning at sunrise and ending at sunset.
"escort vehicle" means a vehicle that is being used:
(a) to transport a police officer, or other person authorised to direct traffic; and
(b) to warn other road users of the presence of an oversize vehicle or combination.
"fifth wheel coupling" means a device, other than the upper rotating element and the kingpin (which are parts of a semi - trailer), used with a prime mover, semi - trailer or a converter dolly to permit quick coupling and uncoupling and to provide for articulation.
"GCM" (gross combination mass), in relation to a motor vehicle, means the greatest possible sum of the maximum loaded mass of the motor vehicle and of any vehicles that may lawfully be towed by it at one time:
(a) as specified by the motor vehicle's manufacturer:
(i) on a plate fixed to the vehicle by the manufacturer; or
(ii) if the manufacturer has not specified the sum of the maximum loaded mass on a plate fixed to the vehicle -- in another place; or
(b) as specified by the vehicle registration authority if:
(i) the manufacturer has not specified the sum of the maximum loaded mass; or
(ii) the manufacturer cannot be identified; or
(iii) the vehicle has been modified to the extent that the manufacturer's specification is no longer appropriate.
"ground contact width" :
(a) in relation to an axle, means the distance between the outermost point of ground contact of the outside tyres on each end of the axle; and
(b) in relation to an axle group, means the greatest ground contact width of all the axles in the group.
Illustration of ground contact width of an axle
"GVM" (gross vehicle mass) means the maximum loaded mass of a vehicle:
(a) as specified by the manufacturer; or
(b) as specified by the vehicle registration authority if:
(i) the manufacturer has not specified a maximum loaded mass; or
(ii) the manufacturer cannot be identified; or
(iii) the vehicle has been modified to the extent that the manufacturer's specification is no longer appropriate.
"hauling unit" means a motor vehicle which forms part of a combination.
"jinker" means an axle or axle group which is built to support part of a load, and is connected to the vehicle in front of it by a pole or cable or the load itself, if any.
"km" means kilometres.
"large indivisible item" means an item that:
(a) cannot be divided without extreme effort, expense or risk of damage to it; and
(b) cannot be carried on any vehicle or combination without exceeding a mass or dimension limit in the Mass and Loading Regulations.
"load" , in relation to a vehicle or combination, includes anything that is normally removed from the vehicle or combination when not in use, but does not include:
(a) tools, equipment or substances necessary for the vehicle or combination to function, or for any load to be restrained; or
(b) personal items used by the driver.
"load-carrying" , in relation to a vehicle or combination, means a vehicle or combination that is carrying, or is built to carry, a load.
"load-sharing suspension system" means an axle group suspension system that:
(a) is built to divide the load between the tyres on the group so that no tyre carries a mass more than 10% greater than the mass it would carry if the load were divided equally; and
(b) has effective damping characteristics on all axles of the group.
"low-beam" , in relation to a headlight or front fog light fitted to a vehicle, means built or adjusted so that, when the vehicle is standing on level ground, the top of the main beam of light projected is:
(a) not higher than the centre of the headlight or fog light, when measured at a point 8 m in front of the vehicle; and
(b) not more than 1 m higher than the level on which the motor vehicle is standing, when measured at a point 25 m in front of the vehicle.
Illustration of a low - beam headlight
"low loader" means a gooseneck semi - trailer with a loading deck no more than 1 m above the ground.
"low loader dolly" means a mass - distributing device that:
(a) is usually coupled between a prime mover and a low loader; and
(b) consists of a gooseneck rigid frame; and
(c) does not directly carry any load on itself; and
(d) is equipped with one or more axles, a king pin and a fifth wheel coupling.
"m" means metres.
"mm" means millimetres.
"Mass and Loading Regulations" means the Road Transport Reform (Mass and Loading) Regulations.
Note: For the text of the Road Transport Reform (Mass and Loading) Regulations, see Schedule 1 to the National Transport Commission (Road Transport Legislation -- Mass and Loading Regulations) Regulations 2005 .
"notice" means a notice issued under regulation 7.
"operator" means a person who controls or directs the operations of a combination, or a motor vehicle not forming part of a combination, or who is otherwise responsible for it.
"overmass" means having a mass that, including the mass of any load, exceeds a relevant mass limit in the Mass and Loading Regulations.
"oversize" means having a dimension that, including the dimension of any load, exceeds a relevant dimension limit in the Vehicle Standards Regulations or the Mass and Loading Regulations.
"oversize tri-axle group" means a group of 3 axles in which the horizontal distance between the centre lines of the outermost axles is more than 3.2 m.
"permit" means a permit granted under regulation 9.
"pilot vehicle" means a vehicle being used to warn other road users of the presence of an oversize vehicle or combination.
"prime mover" means a motor vehicle built to tow a semi - trailer.
"quad axle group" means a group of 4 axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre lines of the outermost axles is more than 3.2 m but not more than 4.9 m.
"rear overhang line" means:
(a) if there is a single axle at the rear of the vehicle -- the centre line of the axle; or
(b) if there is an axle group at the rear of the vehicle -- the centre of the axle group, determined without regard to the presence of any steerable axle unless all axles in the group are steerable.
"retractable axle" means an axle that can be raised so that the tyres on the axle do not touch the ground.
Note: See clause 8.4 as to the application of the Regulations to vehicles with retractable axles.
"road train" means a combination of vehicles, other than a B - double, consisting of a motor vehicle towing at least 2 trailers (counting as one trailer a converter dolly supporting a semi - trailer).
"semi-trailer" means a trailer that has:
(a) one single axle or axle group towards the rear; and
(b) a means of attachment to a prime mover that would result in some of the load being imposed on the prime mover.
"single axle" means an axle not forming part of an axle group.
"single axle group" means a group of 2 or more axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre lines of the outermost axles is less than 1 m.
"special purpose vehicle" means a motor vehicle, other than a tow truck or an agricultural vehicle, built for a purpose other than carrying a load, except for water in the case of concrete pumps and fire trucks.
"tandem axle group" means a group of at least 2 axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre lines of the outermost axles is at least 1 m, but not more than 2 m.
"tri-axle group" means a group of at least 3 axles, in which the horizontal distance between the centre lines of the outermost axles is more than 2 m, but not more than 3.2 m.
"twinsteer axle group" means a group of 2 axles:
(a) with single tyres; and
(b) fitted to a motor vehicle; and
(c) connected to the same steering mechanism; and
(d) the horizontal distance between the centre lines of which is at least 1 m, but not more than 2 m.
"Vehicles and Traffic Act" means the Road Transport Reform (Vehicles and Traffic) Act 1993 .
Note: For the text of the Road Transport Reform (Vehicles and Traffic) Act 1993 , see Schedule 1 to the National Transport Commission (Road Transport Legislation -- Vehicles and Traffic Act) Regulations 2005 .
"vehicle registration authority" , in relation to a vehicle, means:
(a) the authority that last registered the vehicle; or
(b) if the vehicle has never been registered -- the authority responsible for registering vehicles in the jurisdiction in which the vehicle is used or is intended to be used.
"Vehicle Standards Regulations" means the Road Transport Reform (Heavy Vehicle Standards) Regulations.
Note: For the text of the Road Transport Reform (Heavy Vehicle Standards) Regulations, see Schedule 1 to the National Transport Commission (Road Transport Legislation -- Heavy Vehicle Standards Regulations) Regulations 2005 .
"warning light" means a light that complies with the specifications in Part 6.
"warning sign" means a sign that complies with Part 7.
"wheelbase" , in relation to a vehicle, means the distance from the centre line of the vehicle's foremost axle to the rear overhang line.
Note: The following definitions appear in the Vehicles and Traffic Act , and have the same meanings in these Regulations:
motor vehicle means a vehicle that is built to be propelled by a motor that forms part of the vehicle.
road means an area that is open to or used by the public and is developed for, or has as one of its main uses, the driving or riding of motor vehicles; and
trailer means a vehicle that is built to be towed, or is towed, by a motor vehicle, but does not include a motor vehicle that is being towed.