An operator must ensure that:
(a) employees and contractors who are likely to be exposed to a hazardous substance, and anyone supervising the employees or contractors, are trained and provided with information and instruction in:
(i) the nature of the hazard associated with the substance, the process of risk assessment and the level of risk; and
(ii) the control procedures associated with the use of the substance; and
(iii) the need for, and proper use and maintenance of, measures to control risk; and
(iv) the use, fit, testing and storage of personal protective equipment, if personal protective equipment forms a part of the measures to control risk; and
(b) the instruction and training are commensurate with the level of risk to health, caused by the hazardous substance, that is assessed.
Note: Guidance on the key elements of an induction and training program can be found in the National Code of Practice for the Control of Workplace Hazardous Substances [NOHSC:2007 (1994)].