(1) Subregulations (2) to (4) do not apply to an entry to or work in a confined space for the purpose of responding to an emergency.
(2) The operator of a prescribed ship or prescribed unit must ensure that no person enters or works in a confined space unless there is a valid permit to work for the confined space.
(3) The operator of a prescribed ship or prescribed unit must ensure that no person enters or works in a confined space unless the person is identified on a valid permit to work as a person who may work in the confined space.
(4) The operator of a prescribed ship or prescribed unit must ensure that before a person enters the confined space the person is informed about the content of the permit to work for the confined space.
(5) A permit to work is valid:
(a) if the permit to work has not expired; and
(b) if a risk assessment under regulation 4.08 has been completed; and
(c) if regulation 4.09 applies, the risk assessment for the work in the confined space has been reviewed and noted in the report of the risk assessment.