(1) The safety case for a facility must provide for the operator of the facility to establish and maintain a documented system of coordinating and controlling the safe performance of all work activities of members of the workforce at the facility, including in particular:
(a) welding and other hot work; and
(b) cold work (including physical isolation); and
(c) electrical work (including electrical isolation); and
(d) entry into, and working in a confined space; and
(e) procedures for working over water; and
(f) diving operations.
Note: Confined space is defined in regulation 1.5.
(2) The system must:
(a) form part of the Safety Management System described in the safety case in force for the facility; and
(b) identify the persons having responsibility to authorise and supervise work; and
(c) ensure that members of the workforce are competent in the application of the permit to work system.