(1) A relevant authority may, on application:
(a) grant a refrigerant trading authorisation to a person, permitting the person to acquire, store or dispose of a refrigerant other than halon; or
(b) grant an RAC equipment manufacturing authorisation to a corporation, permitting the corporation to acquire refrigerant other than halon for use in the manufacture of RAC equipment; or
(c) grant a restricted refrigerant trading authorisation to a person, permitting the person to:
(i) recover refrigerant from RAC equipment; and
(ii) store the refrigerant; and
(iii) dispose of the refrigerant by causing it to be given to the operator of a refrigerant destruction facility.
Note: Regulation 121 also applies to an application.
(3) The authority must not grant an authorisation unless it is satisfied that:
(a) the applicant has business premises that are equipped and operating so as to be able to handle, and prevent avoidable emissions of, a refrigerant; and
(b) if the application is for a refrigerant trading authorisation--the applicant is able to ensure that a refrigerant is handled only by:
(i) the holder of an appropriate licence granted under regulation 131, 133 or 134; or
(ii) if the refrigerant is handled on board an AMSA vessel--the holder of an AMSA certificate or the holder of an appropriate licence granted under regulation 131, 133 or 134; and
(c) if the application is for an RAC equipment manufacturing authorisation--the applicant is able to ensure that, at all times, persons engaged in a phase of manufacture that could result in the emission of a refrigerant are supervised by the holder of an appropriate licence granted under regulation 131 or 133; and
(d) if the application is for a restricted refrigerant trading authorisation--the applicant is able to ensure that, at all times, persons engaged in removing refrigerant from RAC equipment hold a licence granted under regulation 131, 133 or 134 that entitles the holder to remove refrigerant from RAC equipment.
Note: An applicant who conducts business from a vehicle is eligible for an authorisation under paragraph (3)(a): see definition of premises in subsection 7(1) of the Act.
(5) If the authority grants an authorisation to a person, it must give the person a document setting out the details of the authorisation.