(1) The Minister must grant a feedstock permit to a person who makes an application under regulation 241 if the Minister is satisfied that:
(a) methyl bromide can be used as a feedstock for the chemical, or chemicals, mentioned in the person's application; and
(b) the proposed use of methyl bromide by the person will result in minimum methyl bromide emissions; and
(c) the person is a fit and proper person to hold the permit.
(2) The permit must set out, in writing, the details of the permit and must state:
(a) the permit year; and
(b) the conditions of the permit, including:
(i) the amount of methyl bromide that the person may use; and
(ii) what chemical, or chemicals, the person may use the methyl bromide to manufacture; and
(iii) the amount of methyl bromide that the person may buy; and
(iv) each supplier of methyl bromide covered by the permit as a nominated feedstock supplier for the person; and
(c) that the holder of the permit must not contravene a condition of the permit.
(3) A permit is in force:
(a) from the later of:
(i) 1 January in the permit year; and
(ii) the day on which it is granted; and
(b) until the end of the permit year.
(4) For paragraph (1)(b), a use of methyl bromide results in minimum methyl bromide emissions if no more than 2% of the methyl bromide used is emitted.