Commonwealth Consolidated Regulations

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- made under the Public Service Act 1999



   1.      Name  
   3.      Authority  
   5.      Definitions  
   6.      Meaning of higher classification  


   7.      Duty not to disclose information  
   8.      Statutory office holders bound by Code of Conduct  
   9.      Limitation on sanctions for breaches of Code of Conduct  


           Division 1--Employer powers etc. of Agency Heads

   10.     Condition of engagement--health clearance  
   11.     Direction to attend medical examination  
   12.     Engagement of SES employees for a specified term  
   13.     Engagement of non - ongoing non - SES employees  
   14.     Suspension from duties  
   15.     Termination of employment  

           Division 2--Miscellaneous

   16.     Knowledge of Act, regulations and Commissioner's Directions  


           Division 1--Statement of intent and outline

   17.     General policy about review  
   18.     Review of APS actions--certain promotion decisions and engagement decisions  
   19.     Review of other APS actions  

           Division 2--Review of certain APS promotion decisions and engagement decisions (including decisions involving Parliamentary Service employees)

   20.     Application of this Division  
   21.     Entitlement to review--promotion decisions  
   22.     Entitlement to review--engagement decisions involving Parliamentary Service employees  
   23.     Grounds for review  
   24.     Application for review  
   25.     Appointment of PRC  
   26.     Constitution of PRC  
   27.     Statements by parties  
   28.     Frivolous or vexatious applications  
   29.     PRC procedures--minimum requirements  
   30.     PRC procedures--Merit Protection Commissioner's instructions  
   31.     Assistance to PRC  
   32.     Requirement to provide information or documents  
   33.     Conduct of review by PRC  
   34.     Non - agreement on decision or recommendation by PRC  
   35.     Effect of PRC decision or PRC recommendation  

           Division 3--Review of other APS actions

              Subdivision A--Reviewable actions

   36.     Entitlement to review  
   37.     What APS actions are reviewable actions  

              Subdivision B--Primary review

   38.     Application for primary review  
   39.     Referral to Merit Protection Commissioner  
   40.     Notice that APS action is not a reviewable action  
   41.     Conduct of review by relevant Agency Head  
   42.     Conduct of review by Merit Protection Commissioner  

              Subdivision C--Secondary review

   43.     Application for secondary review  
   44.     Agency Head to give documents to Merit Protection Commissioner  
   45.     Conduct of review by Merit Protection Commissioner  

              Subdivision D--Action following recommendation to Agency Head

   46.     Action by Agency Head  

              Subdivision E--Other provisions about review

   47.     Review procedures--minimum requirements  
   48.     Requirement to provide information or documents  
   49.     Making of application does not operate as stay  


           Division 1--Inquiries into alleged breach of Code of Conduct by Agency Head or former Agency Head

   50A.    Basic requirements for procedures for determining alleged breach of Code of Conduct by Agency Head or former Agency Head  
   50.     Report on result of inquiry--prescribed Statutory Agencies  
   51.     Circumstances in which Australian Public Service Commissioner may decline to conduct, or discontinue, inquiry  

           Division 2--Inquiries into alleged breach of Code of Conduct by APS employee or former APS employee

   52.     Basic requirements for procedures for determining alleged breach of Code of Conduct by APS employee or former APS employee  
   53.     Circumstances in which Australian Public Service Commissioner may discontinue inquiry  

           Division 3--Inquiries into public interest disclosures relating to alleged breaches of Code of Conduct

   54.     Inquiries into public interest disclosures relating to alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct  

           Division 4--Other functions

   55.     Inquiries into Merit Protection Commissioner's behaviour  
   56.     Inquiries into alleged breaches of Code of Conduct by statutory office holders  
   57.     Delivery of learning and development programs on request to Commonwealth entities and State or Territory authorities or bodies  


           Division 1--Inquiry functions under the Act

   58.     Inquiries into public interest disclosures that relate to alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct  

           Division 2--Other functions

              Subdivision A--Purpose of this Division

   59.     Purpose of this Division  

              Subdivision B--Independent Selection Advisory Committees

   60.     Establishment of ISAC  
   61.     Function of ISAC  
   62.     Constitution of ISAC  
   63.     ISAC procedures--minimum requirements  
   64.     ISAC procedures--Merit Protection Commissioner's instructions  
   65.     Assistance to ISAC  
   66.     Assessment and recommendation by ISAC  
   67.     Non - agreement on recommendation by ISAC  
   68.     ISAC recommendation not binding  
   69.     Effect of acting in accordance with ISAC recommendation  
   70.     Effect of not acting in accordance with ISAC recommendation  
   71.     Merit Protection Commissioner authorised to charge fees  

              Subdivision C--Investigation of complaints by former employees

   72.     Investigation of complaints by former employees  

              Subdivision D--Review of determination of breach of Code of Conduct by former APS employee

   73.     Review by Merit Protection Commissioner if former APS employee is entitled to review  
   74.     Application for review  
   75.     Notice that action not reviewable  
   76.     Conduct of review  
   77.     Action by Agency Head  
   78.     Review procedures--minimum requirements  
   79.     Requirement to provide information or documents  
   80.     Making application does not operate as stay  

              Subdivision E--Review of actions of statutory office holders

   81.     Review of actions of statutory office holders other than Agency Heads  

              Subdivision F--Functions on request by relevant employer

   82.     Functions of Merit Protection Commissioner on request by relevant employer  

           Division 3--Basic requirements for procedures for determining alleged breach of Code of Conduct by APS employee or former APS employee

   83.     Basic requirements for procedures for determining breach of Code of Conduct by APS employee or former APS employee  

           Division 4--Other provisions

   84.     Independence of Merit Protection Commissioner  


   85.     Employment conditions after machinery of government changes--movement of APS employees  
   86.     Employment conditions after machinery of government changes--engagement of non - APS employees  
   87.     Prescribed circumstances in relation to employment in former Agency  


   88.     Application of this Part  
   89.     Application of State and Territory law  
   90.     Paying officer  
   91.     Authority to make deductions  
   92.     Administration fee  
   93.     More than one judgment debt  
   94.     Effect of deductions  
   95.     Rate of deductions  
   96.     Move to another Agency  
   97.     Administration of deductions  
   98.     Recovery of overpayment  


   99.     Australian Public Service Commissioner's functions etc.  
   100.    Merit Protection Commissioner's functions etc.  
   101.    Giving information or producing documents to Australian Public Service Commissioner not admissible in evidence etc.  
   102.    Giving information or producing documents to Merit Protection Commissioner not admissible in evidence etc.  
   103.    Use and disclosure of personal information  


   104.    Maximum amount of payments in special circumstances  
   105.    Delegations  
   106.    Immunity from civil proceedings in relation to Australian Public Service Commissioner's functions  


           Division 1--Transitional arrangements in relation to the commencement of this instrument

   107.    Definitions  
   108.    Conduct, event, circumstances occurring before commencement  
   109.    Review of actions where application for review made before commencement day  
   110.    Inquiry in progress into alleged breach of Code of Conduct by Merit Protection Commissioner  
   111.    Conduct of ISAC and recommendation by ISAC  
   112.    Review of promotion notified before commencement day  

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