(1) For subsection 31(3) of the Act, the amount of electricity acquired under a relevant acquisition is:
(a) if the electricity is acquired from AEMO or NTESMO--the amount worked out on the basis of metering data used for AEMO or NTESMO settlement statements; or
(b) if the electricity is acquired directly from the person who generated the electricity at the interface between the transmission and distribution system--the amount worked out using:
(i) AEMO or NTESMO equivalent settlement data; or
(ii) if the person who generated the electricity and the liable entity are not in the same distribution network--customer purchase data adjusted to the node, or node equivalent, by using the applicable distribution loss factor; or
(iii) generation data adjusted to the node, or node equivalent, by using the applicable marginal loss factor or equivalent; or
(c) if the electricity is used outside the site of generation but in the same distribution network--the amount worked out using, depending on the applicable contractual arrangements:
(i) the amount generated, as metered at the power station's grid connection point; or
(ii) the acquisition as metered at the customer's grid connection point; or
(d) if the electricity is acquired at the site of the generation--the amount of metered electricity at the point on which the contractual arrangement is based; or
(e) if none of paragraphs (a) to (d) applies:
(i) the amount of metered or calculated electricity provided at the interface between the transmission and distribution system; or
(ii) the amount of metered or calculated electricity at the point at which ownership of the electricity changes, in accordance with contractual arrangements.
(2) In paragraphs (1)(b), (c), and (e), the method of calculation used is to be chosen by the Regulator after consultation with the liable entity.